Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [verb] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A young Frenchman , when in 1896 he entered his country 's diplomatic service , found himself trained as in the past , largely by being made to copy as models of style despatches dating from the pre-revolutionary monarchy .
2 She caught herself wondering whether by someone else she meant Paul Wickham .
3 In spite of her determination to leave the past to look after itself , Kelly found herself speculating as to where the fat trainer fitted in with Jack Butler and Ibn Fayoud .
4 Lady Horne told them to sit whilst behind them the girl lit candles .
5 Jesus allowed himself to see and to be bothered .
6 Cecilia heard herself gasp and at once put her hand up to her mouth .
7 Kraus taught him to listen and about the limitations of judging .
8 Pete Waterman 's refusal to suppress his opinions has on occasion exposed him to ridicule as in the sampling storm but on the whole he appears confident and competent , clear about what he wants .
9 She had only read the word before , in cold and aseptic print , never heard it spoken except in heat by rough farmworkers who did not realise she was walking by .
10 He urged them to recognize that by not understanding the thought of India they were depriving themselves of the opportunity of serving India .
11 Gilbert and Frye watched them leave and for an instant it seemed as if Gilbert wanted to dash out after them again .
12 And she softened her demanding when to spending time listening to Lucy , thrilling her with music and words , filled with a need to have Lucy know she was loved unconditionally .
13 He went into his room and put on a record while he decided what to do and for a time became lost in the music .
14 It was only that faint burr in his voice which hinted at his background and made her realise that behind the elegant façade lay pure steel .
15 The results indicated that people benefited from being given more information , which enabled them to develop and in some cases revise their opinions .
16 As an undergraduate , says Walton , if he had a fault it was ‘ that he kept himself retired and at too great a distance with all his inferiors ; and his clothes seemed to prove that he put too great a value on his parts and parentage ’ .
17 Christina saw her stiffen and after a moment step away .
18 As the argument developed , I understood him to submit that as the remedy sought by the plaintiff was itself an equitable one , talk of strict estoppel was inappropriate , and he was content to put forward the alleged assurance and other matters to be considered in the exercise of my discretion .
19 Most saw it coming and in March , 1939 I knew it was inevitable .
20 Withdrawal of labour , in the literal sense , would have been impractical and , more importantly , would have caused further destruction to my self-esteem in that without work ( schoolwork ) I should have had and have been less than the nothing I already felt myself to have and to be .
21 The individuals had first to establish that the Trusteeship Agreement gave them standing as against the trusteeship territory .
22 Did I think that under my house the gas lid from the propane tank had fractured , that gas was accumulating , that the pilot light was on ?
23 This was exciting enough , but little did I know that after noon how much more exciting hunting rabbits with a hawk could be .
24 Nevertheless , I was left to ponder whether to have healing or not to have healing , and so concerned did I become that in the end , a wise man from the Quakers was summoned to give a judgement of Solomon .
25 For example , did you realise that in all the other Star Treks the Klingons , a backward , confrontational brunch , represented the Soviets ?
26 When you reviewed your business plan , did you conclude that to date you had been successful ?
27 Did you think that up yourself …
28 The thing I noticed was that they 're all close questions , you like the area , now Martin was very fair to you because you , he was very me most you could 've got very much did you move because of your , yes .
29 Damn you , how did you broadcast that through my shields — ’
30 Did you see that about Simon Weston
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