Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] same [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The confidentiality claim met the same fate as the other arguments .
2 It met the same fate as its predecessors .
3 Most people in bands have quite similar backgrounds and I reckon a lot of them shared the same experience as I did .
4 The rich , the good , the pretty , the blessed all shared the same fate as the poor , the bad , the ugly , the deprived .
5 Rufus did not even know if animal bones shared the same names as those of humans .
6 I 've cut the ropes that bind me to the shore , she thought , and sinking down onto the arm of Meredith 's chair she listened , smiling , to one of the pirates confiding that when he was in town he consulted the same dentist as dear Johnny .
7 Again , the TUC General Council made the same accusation when it met the Beveridge Committee seventeen years later : F.H .
8 Malcolm Smith , who runs the noted Jencra herd at Stoke on Trent , paid 7,500gn for Jim Goldie 's 17-month-old Epatant son , Goldie 's Globetrotter , while the suitably named Goldie 's Goldmine , another by the same sire , made the same amount when it sold in a private deal to David Dick of Mains of Throsk , Stirling , and Archie McGregor , Allanfauld , Kilsyth , after being turned out of the ring unsold at 7,200gn .
9 One who did made the same point as many arts students :
10 Nye ( 1984 ) made the same point when he observed that the agenda for examining the power of US firms in the 1980s was little different from that of the early 1970s , despite the relative loss of US power .
11 The resistance of Ulster was also linked to its business roots with such slogans as " Industrial Ulster is united " or " They mean business " , and Law made the same point when he described in Norwich a recent meeting that he had addressed in the Ulster Hall :
12 He allows his readers to infer that the position he attributes to Eadwine was little changed before the battle of Nechtanesmere ; Oswald ruled the same territory as Eadwine and Oswiu ‘ almost ’ the same ( HE 11 , 5 ) .
13 Our investigations of temporary worker users revealed the same picture as economic theory would predict and as the LFS had indicated — that most temporary workers were occupying relatively low-skilled positions .
14 It is difficult to compare the perceptions of Labour and Conservative identifiers who read the same paper since the numbers in our sample who read any one paper were low and tended to be drawn predominantly from one party or another .
15 As a result , he got the same response as he had received at Munich : ‘ Sorry , no vacancies ’ .
16 I got the same punishment as people who are three times over the limit .
17 No , the other end , yep I got the same chimney as you
18 It seems necessary for it to have what has been called a ‘ cognitive map ’ in its head ; that is , it would have to have something which conveyed the same information as is conveyed by Figure 10 .
19 Awareness of the social reality of the USSR , recognition that Soviet men and women experienced the same angst as those peoples living in pre-revolutionary societies disturbed Nizan but did not shake his faith in the ultimate justice and morality of the Soviet cause .
20 ‘ I tried the same approach when we played at Runcorn this season … and we lost .
21 Four of the graves are those of a 98 Squadron Mitchell bomber crew who died on 24 June 1943 and the other is that of a Typhoon pilot of 266 Squadron who crashed the same day as Freddie Crewe .
22 The unions posed the same problem as the City .
23 We used the same criteria as the Booker Prize — namely the writer must be from either the UK , Ireland or the Commonwealth .
24 The gang always used the same procedure when they wanted to make contact .
25 Back in the days of the Wild West when it really was wild , the James gang — led by those notorious outlaws Jesse and Frank James — used the same approach when robbing banks .
26 He used the same technique as when looking for a lost golf ball and took a line on a large house on the Ramsgate front .
27 He used the same language as that employed by the Chinese government to explain away the unrest that the democracy movement unleashed in May and June — namely that it was the work of a ‘ handful of evil-doers ’ .
28 For swatch 4 , I used the same yarn as for swatch 3 , but only every third row , and with card 4 locked on row one .
29 When a subsequent judgment study ( Groeger & Chapman , in preparation b ) was designed which used the same films as Study 4 , the opportunity was taken to include questions about the amount of fixed and variable information in the stimuli .
30 As regards the numbering of their years , the Jews used the same era as the Seleucids of Syria from the time they came under their rule , in the second century BC , until the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 AD .
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