Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 On Aug. 7 Greguric met the Prime Minister of the rump Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ( FRY ) , Milan Panic , in Budapest , with the mediation of Hungarian Prime Minister Jozsef Antall .
2 I met the then Chairman of the AAA , Bill Ferguson , who asked me what the problem was all about .
3 She met the burning passion of his eyes , and time ceased .
4 And as she met the dark gaze of Guido Falcone , her breath caught as though a fist had connected with her solar plexus .
5 Then she disappeared , until Jane opened the airing cupboard and met the unblinking gaze of Fluff and Titch side by side on the blankets .
6 Held to coincide with May Day ( celebrated elsewhere in the capital by some 5,000 people ) , the 2,000-strong congress met the violent opposition of left-wingers who protested at the various anti-Semitic , nationalist , conservative Catholic , and free-market views of the participants .
7 Her eyes narrowed into hostile slits as she met the cold gaze of her mother-in-law .
8 I met the middle-aged son-in-law of the man who , a generation ago , had carved the block .
9 Later the same day he met the Turkish Commander of Ground Forces , Gen. Muhittin Fisunoglu , in Islamabad .
10 The deep voice behind her made her jump and , turning quickly , she met the smiling face of the man who had attracted her attention a short while back .
11 Whenever we cycled to work , or indeed from work , we met the full force of that malevolent wind .
12 The measure met the qualified support of Labour in Parliament who argued , as always and reasonably enough , that the scheme gave too little .
13 that some of the material on the computerised systems in question met the statutory definition of records and thus could not be destroyed without the approval of the Archivist .
14 He met the local Voice of the Innocent group , which represents relatives of the seven men .
15 Ivy draped the whole frontage of the building and mingled with the moss of the large dilapidated lawn .
16 Just lacked the normal sense of urgency … maybe this is a deliberatle ploy by Wilko too ?
17 This is the line taken by the United States Supreme Court , which rejected the ‘ bad tendency ’ grounds for abridging freedom of expression because it lacked the all-important factor of ‘ clear and present danger ’ .
18 But the local councillors in Rotherham lacked the political sophistication of their neighbouring big-city colleagues and they turned down our application to hire the room .
19 Of course , Roman emperors deified themselves , made their horses consuls and existed in a state of terrifying paranoia which eventually provoked genuine plots and assassinations , but in retrospect the gross crimes of a Caligula or Nero lacked the all-pervading hypocrisy of the modern tyrants .
20 The shoguns themselves lacked the personal charisma of their early predecessors and divisions within the Bakufu hierarchy and Tokugawa followers increased .
21 As Alan had to enter the site as part of his job , he lacked the necessary degree of voluntariness necessary for the defence .
22 First , Rousseau 's concept of the ‘ Noble Savage ’ proposed that ‘ savages ’ who lacked the civilizing influence of Western culture were free of mental disorder — and it was this idea that many psychiatrists in England , France and the US latched on to in the late eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries .
23 What the ILP leaders failed to realise was that their party lacked the internal discipline of the Communist Party and would inevitably succumb to organized attempts by the Communists to disrupt the larger organization .
24 But in his belief that economic efficiency must if necessary take priority over social justice , Keynes lacked the left-Liberal vision of a new moral order in society , More than half of Dr Clarke 's book is devoted to the debate over economic policy between 1928 and 1930 .
25 Maybe , Charles reflected , his son-in-law was the result of some cloning experiment , by which creatures from another planet had created something that looked like a human being , but lacked the essential circuitry of humanity .
26 Gaunt showed consistent loyalty to his father and , after 1377 , to his young nephew Richard II , but he lacked the charismatic authority of his father and eldest brother , and he was widely if unfairly blamed for the misfortunes that befell England in the last years of his father 's reign .
27 He was a cultured , educated man , yet he lacked the simple faith of the poorest of the poor .
28 In Frome , as elsewhere , a large proportion of the population lacked the general state of good health which would have gone some way towards combating these killer diseases .
29 Before that , I was heart-free , a somewhat studious fellow , I suppose , who lacked the merry nature of his younger brother .
30 His countrymen , who had predominated in the audience , lacked the musical appreciation of German and Italian peoples .
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