Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] her at the " in BNC.

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1 She paused , surprised by the wave of pain and nostalgia that passed through her at the mention of the name , leaving her weak and trembling ; as if the sights , sounds , smells , tastes , feelings , sufferings of years could be experienced again in a single spasm of sickening intensity : the cold cubicle , the rustle of habits and the squeaking of boots as the nuns filed into the chapel , the stink of stew in the refectory ; her first lesson , the children shaking their up-stretched hands , eager to please the new sister ; Hilda , dew-fresh in her white blouse and neatly-pressed gym-slip , shy and ardent in the back row ; Hilda and herself together in the copse , in the chapel , in the cloisters , praying , talking , joking , sharing secrets , confidences …
2 She closed her eyes as the memory rushed back vividly into her mind again , and a feeling of panic rose through her at the thought that a fierce spark of that madness might be living on within her as she approached the middle of her life .
3 Unexpected excitement flickered inside her at the thought .
4 Fenella looked over her shoulder at them and saw that they were looking at her with such blind trust and with such faith that cold anger rose in her at the evil Lord who had forced them to his work .
5 He proposed to her at the offices of Faber and Faber ; after she had accepted , he explained that he would have asked her much sooner if he had known her real feelings towards him , but she had been so formal with him that he was not even sure if she liked him — which , after eight years , suggests an odd insecurity or impercipience .
6 Something twisted inside her at the naked emotion that flashed for a moment across his face .
7 When Adam had a document for Miranda to sign that he thought she might argue about , he always included it in a sheaf of other papers he handed to her at the end of the day , when she was exhausted .
8 Outside , she stood and looked about her at the maze of buildings .
9 She looked about her at the freshness of the morning , then laughed and , pulling her hair out of the tight bun she had secured it in to ride , shook her head .
10 Carrie looked about her at the crackling fire and a fair semblance of tidiness in the kitchen .
11 As she followed Penry as quickly as she could she looked about her at the island with interest , curious to see what had lain behind a veil of sea mist and rain since her dramatic arrival .
12 He swallowed and , keeping his head low , looked past her at the girls .
13 Corbett stared past her at the timbered house .
14 She looked behind her at the door of the courtroom .
15 Blanche looked round her at the wallpapered walls and the flounced pink curtains and said , ‘ How very nice .
16 She looked round her at the luxurious suite and shuddered .
17 Whitlock smiled at her then looked beyond her at the couple on the sofa .
18 Her hands fell idle in her lap and she stared around her at the bits of leather on the floor , at the row of wooden lasts along her bench , at the boots that needed new soles and heels and , with a sigh of despair , she dropped her knife and rose to her feet .
19 Then she looked around her at the other smiling faces , and remembered why the policemen were there .
20 Kate looked around her at the busy incident room .
21 After she had signed in , Brian Everthorpe directed her to the section of the car park reserved for visitors , and waited for her at the entrance to the Administration Block .
22 After opening nights at Blackpool , she would snub John ; when he waited for her at the front entrance with their car and chauffeur she would deliberately slip out of the Stage Door and go home by tram .
23 Whenever Jacob was meeting Deirdre outside college hours he waited for her at the bottom of Patrick 's Hill where it joined King Street .
24 Clare was in the bathroom , and he waited for her at the bottom of the stairs .
25 She shuddered with the feeling that ran through her at the picture the childish words conjured up .
26 A shudder ran through her at the thought of meeting Luke Calder again and she turned away , making a great performance of picking up her handbag .
27 You came without warning and without asking my permission and sat with her at the back of the lecture theatre , exchanging glances and comments .
28 When he stood beside her at the grave he longed to hold her hand , and the sight of smudges on her cheeks from weeping made his heart ache .
29 Hari was surprised at the rush of pure jealousy that swept over her at the mention of Emily Grenfell .
30 He stood by her at the buffet .
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