Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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31 And Herbert Morrison moved at the same conference a resolution condemning the government 's introduction of conscription : the resolution was carried by more than three to one .
32 ‘ Oh no ! ’ they exclaimed at the same time .
33 It is ironic that this prohibition occurred at the same time as several well-designed research studies were clearly demonstrating the efficacy of ECT .
34 Parallel procedural changes occurred at the same time in the Senate , but other factors were at work there too .
35 Another interpretation is that metamorphism occurred at the same time , or post-dated thrusting , and that the frictional heating produced during thrusting contributed to the partial melting of the crust and the intrusion of granitic rocks .
36 The Bank of France pushed up its intervention rate by 0.75 per cent to 9.5 per cent and its five-to 10-day repurchase rate rose by the same amount to 10.25 per cent .
37 Only from roughly the middle of the tenth/sixteenth century-perhaps coincidentally with the building of two other medreses which were to form part of the altmisli class , namely that attached to the mosque built by Suleyman for his son , Sehzade Mehmed ( the Sehzade medrese , completed in 954/1547 ) , and that built by the same sultan for his father , Selim I , apparently around 955/1548 — can one discern in the biographical sources the existence of a class of medreses , comprising these and others , one rank higher than the Sahn and normally carrying a salary of 60 akce , teaching in one of which seems to have been a generally recognized prerequisite for the holding of the highest learned offices .
38 She approached by the same route she and Beador had taken the previous day .
39 It seems that they are not gods exactly , but made of the same stuff as gods .
40 and these all came off the same train .
41 Earlier in the month 806 Squadron 's three remaining serviceable Fulmars had been flown from Malta to Egypt via El Adem , each aircraft carrying three aircrew ; the ground party sailed for the same destination in a destroyer .
42 Well this er came through the same thing , the Youth Hostels Association , we had a visit from Gyp some German ones who did m play reading in hostels , and er some of ours went back there , and the Youth Hostels Associations , they had a play reading group , and er I joined that .
43 The catalogue entry claims the picture is the second version that Zoffany painted of the same scene .
44 Masons came under the same heading .
45 In the redevelopments of the 1880s Na Františku came under the same threat of destruction as the ghetto but was saved by the efforts of the Association for the Rehabilitation of the Convent of the Blessed Agnes .
46 It was just a tragedy that her friend had married a man whose birthday came under the same sign as her own .
47 As the two fish trades came under the same livery company , they may be considered as one ; grocers , bakers and haberdashers came next with a median of £26.13s. 4d. , closely followed by the dyers on £25 .
48 Many other desiderata of the socialist revolution came into the same category , but women 's education was of particular interest because it ran counter to widespread expectations shared by most men and probably most women .
49 The 31 year old had seen Mike Watkinson and Phil DeFreitas dropped in the same over .
50 Mosasaurs , when not head-butting each other , were deep-diving sea hunters , and evidence of avascular necrosis in their bone structure hinted that they suffered in the same way as did human divers — they had frequent spells of the ‘ bends ’ .
51 In conclusion , Italy and Sicily suffered from the same divisions and neighbourly jealousies as Old Greece , jealousies made more dangerous by racial friction and the threat of native risings ( cranky philosophical activists did not help ) .
52 As for the women , he said , they suffered from the same sort of things — depression and sometimes guilt .
53 In this they suffered from the same defects as the streltsy , the small force of regular infantry originally set up during Ivan the Terrible 's reign .
54 They were then washed by centrifugation ( 300 g for 10 minutes ) and resuspended in the same buffer and fetal calf serum .
55 Procyclic trypanosomes were harvested in mid log phase , pelleted , washed once with Zimmerman 's Post Fusion Medium ( 27 ) , and resuspended in the same buffer at a concentration of 2.10 7 ml -1 .
56 Fascinated and repelled in the same moment she continued to watch the macabre spectacle despite herself , her lips parted , her eyes bright .
57 The couple worked at the same tasks as their staff , they dressed in the same way , educated their children at the same schools and ate in the same canteen .
58 In the Middle Ages everyone ate in the same manner — like pigs .
59 Added upset came in the same year from a speech by Dr W. Starkie , the commissioner of National Education in Ireland , who attacked school managers for not being up to their job .
60 they came as the same they came in the same colour mu thing round them we in the red letters saying what they are .
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