Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [noun pl] ' [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It was still early when they went in to Gamages and headed for Ladies ' Gowns .
2 Even in cases where teachers clearly disagreed with advisers ' recommendations , they had at least been forced to reconsider their existing practices .
3 Trouble was with old miners , they tended to exaggerate — a gleam of mineral seen decades previously often became transmogrified in mens ' minds to a wonderful thickness , be it lead , copper , tin , gold , or whatever .
4 The rhetorical use they made of anthropologists ' ideas as a source for a criticism of the society of their time , especially as a criticism of the way institutions such as the family , marriage , and the status of women were seen as unchangeable and eternally fixed , is one which seems totally justified to present-day anthropologists .
5 Everywhere , his testimony was a ‘ show ’ : one that played in dentists ' surgeries to relieve the pain of extraction , in bars to give a purpose to drinking , in aeroplanes criss-crossing the country , and in television stores to crowds of people pressing against the windows .
6 Money-lenders came to borrowers ' houses , not vice versa .
7 Later Friedman ( 1975 ) shifted position somewhat in that he allowed for employers ' mistakes concerning the behaviour of the real wage rate : the ex post real wage need never deviate from its market clearing value for fluctuations in the level of employment around its natural value to occur .
8 Marvellous similes flowed from journalists ' pens .
9 The promoters of the Alexandra Palace show , Kennedy Street Enterprises , replied to fans ' accusations this week , claiming that they had done everything possible to provide tickets for genuine applicants .
10 In the early 1920s she campaigned for widows ' pensions .
11 She campaigned for prisoners ' rights as secretary of the Women 's Prisoners ' Defence League from 1922 ; edited Prison Bars in 1937–8 ; and was the Republican party of Ireland candidate in the local government elections of 1936 .
12 In May 1960 more talks began at leaders ' levels in Paris , with Eisenhower anxious to play the role of peacemaker in his last year in office , but the conference collapsed when a US spy aircraft was shot down over the USSR .
13 ( One theory is that it arose from scribes ' attempts to make the word more legible .
14 His pictures were stubbornly not nice : he called for carpenters ' pencils of rough graphite rather than the refined Fabers , crayons of a denser black , and later squeezed his colour messily and thickly from the tube direct when he was in the mood .
15 On a slab and piled into a stone sink were torsos of human beings , one or two of them opened and filleted like pigs ' carcasses .
16 He thought about models ' bottoms , feeling Tessa 's bulking large against the small of his back .
17 The boy carried me in my travelling box , and put me down on the beach , while he looked for birds ' eggs among the rocks .
18 But most looked like dolls ' houses , Léonie thought , where the women played at rearranging the clean furniture .
19 The enemies of Fascism went into ironmongers ' shops and bought brass knuckle-dusters .
20 Women can certainly be competitive as individuals , but are less so at the group level ; many of us who went to all-girls ' schools found the competitive team sports at worst a real trial and at best something of a joke , even though we were quite prepared to put ourselves out in an individual context .
21 I listened to others ' crises but did n't want to accept that I was in the middle of my own .
22 On their part the workers protested over " oppressions " in the shape of late wage payment , truck , " stoppages " from pay for allegedly deficient workmanship , of effecting wage cuts by increasing the measure of work expected for a " price " , and of deducting excessive charges for rent of equipment and the supply of essential items , as often as they did of employers ' combinations to lower wages .
23 We round a couple of buoys beaded with cats ' eyes ; sea traffic islands .
24 Again two main dimensions emerged from parents ' answers , called love-hostility and control-autonomy but referring essentially to the same features as the dimensions described by Sears and his colleagues .
25 More often than not , it was accompanied by the sort of halo that I once put around others ' heads , and now often wear myself .
26 In a buffet car a group of five regular commuters toasted the memory of absent friends with glasses of champagne while they tucked into quails ' eggs .
27 Then they ran across lawyers ' benches to try to reach driver Christopher Lewin , 19 , and passenger David Nnah in the dock .
28 What were they using if not the stuff Johnson intended for babies ' bums ?
29 He rarely wondered about others ' lives except where they touched his ; his mind was perpetually occupied with his own concerns .
30 So was the way in which the Treasury department , Congress and federal deposit insurers jumped on thrifts ' investments in junk bonds .
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