Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [art] old [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah we used all the old ones .
2 The Why Do n't Newspapers Leave The Poor Royals Alone saga droned on yet again this week in Kilroy on Thursday morning , in a show which threw all the old arguments at representatives ( all male ) of the Press .
3 I mean we did n't know this , well Mark knew , but I did n't know and there was some as Germans and some as English forces it was really good and it got erm the D J got all the old records and all that really was a good night !
4 That was where I got all the old aerosols for the last War , not to mention several important parts of the Wasp Factory , including the Face itself .
5 He and the others repeated all the old objections to plastic as a material , heavy , slow , unmanoeuvrable and dangerous with the emphasis this time on the middle two rather than the last .
6 I 'd got some old but we broke all the old ones , so we 're having to use the best
7 The Donatists considered themselves to be the church of the martyrs , and kept alive the old posture of the persecuted church in the new , much altered , times after Constantine .
8 Now Mr Albert , with more ability than Hank thought such an old fogey could exhibit , had shown him that he could look quite as dignified as Captain Dawson , not a bent peasant like Grandfather Palichuk or a rugged , outdoor type like his father , but a very respectable townsman called Hank Stych .
9 ‘ Something that brought all the old resentment and tension and violent feelings back to the surface . ’
10 Then they took all the old magazines and Terry 's home-made cards and games , even the dominoes .
11 As he wandered round , Boris saw all the old stalwarts .
12 A shaikh became shaikh by a process of discussion and designation ; in effect , when the office became vacant the old men of the lineage discussed possible successors with their kinsmen and family , and then among themselves .
13 To prevent her playing nasty tricks on us we had all the old lead and iron pipes taken out and the rust galvanised tanks replaced with trusty burst-proof fibreglass .
14 They left alone the old town with its souks , square , palaces and its impressive Koutoubia minaret .
15 This new complication revived all the old doubts that she had successfully conquered , and she parted from him at her gate with very mixed feelings .
16 One evening in December I gently pushed open the old kitchen door , and there , sitting by the fire next to Joe , in my old place , was — Pip !
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