Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His whole life seemed to hang on each letter in Annie 's hand , his eyes following it until she handed it into the crowd or placed it on a pile to one side and then he would fix on the next letter and the next .
2 In many ways I wish we 'd taken on that girl now who we saw right at the very beginning with
3 Her ability to change form is illustrated in the quotation which opened this chapter , where Jung describes how his mother seemed to take on another shape and quality at night .
4 The alarm in Leeming 's face was obvious ; the confusion that followed brought on another bout of coughing .
5 She also enjoyed taking on occasional press and public relations assignments , and brings that experience to her present work .
6 I The committee decided to pass on this information to the editor of Out On Strike , the strikers " newsletter , to use at his discretion .
7 I contacted their next-of-kin and I undertook to pass on any scraps of information , or even rumour , that I could glean from every possible source .
8 With Winter 's agreement the new Food and Beverage Manager started to take on industrial release students in 1985 .
9 The use of the New Workers ' Scheme ( discontinued in 1989 ) which subsidised employers who agreed to take on young workers at low rates of pay and the similar effect of the Jobstart Scheme for the long term unemployed .
10 The Prince of Wales is president of my organisation , Scottish Business in the Community , and ever since he agreed to take on that role he as dedicated a large amount of time to helping us , and in turn , helping communities , not because it 's it 's fashionable because he really believes in it and he wants to do hard work on our behalf and on the countrys ' behalf .
11 You see , Miss Williams — or should I make that Fran , so that I can get used to calling you that ? — I could n't very well tell the police what had gone on last night , so I improvised .
12 With the advent of the Youth Training Scheme ( started in 1983 ) one or two of the dairy farmers had taken on 16 year olds for the one year of the Scheme to lessen their own work load .
13 They had taken on extra teaching staff .
14 The final straw , as it were , came when we were back home : none of the photographs we had taken on that day came out .
15 The additional possibility that , having acquired Libyan nationality , they could take partnership with their employers , would have frustrated the intention of at least one employer who had taken on foreign labour to protect his enterprise from socialism .
16 Consensys had taken on Interactive System Corp and SunSoft Inc refugee Doug Miller as vice president of European sales .
17 She said , " Philip , I know that if you had taken on this job on a business basis you would have had to charge hundreds .
18 One reason why the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem was so important for Wittgenstein was because he could not dissolve it without revising the view he had taken on this point when he wrote the Tractatus .
19 Men were therefore the first people with private property and soon they wanted to pass on this property to their children .
20 It found that 40 per cent of companies , mainly in the retail and financial sectors , intended taking on more staff in the next six months .
21 This optimism was partly reflected in the fact that 40 per cent claimed they intended to take on new employees within the next six months .
22 There was no ‘ minimum wage ’ and clubs tended to take on large numbers of hopefuls at low rates .
23 He asked a lawyer well known for his work in medical affairs to protect his freedom but the lawyer refused to take on mental-health cases .
24 Durham Police wanted to take on 20 officers but their bid was rejected by the Home Office .
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