Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Childebert 's tax inspectors then tried to institute the same reforms in Tours , but Gregory claimed that the city was exempt , and related the history of exemption since the time of Chlothar I. However , if reorganization had not threatened Tours , it is doubtful whether we would have heard of the perfectly sensible arrangements at Poitiers , which suggest not only that taxation was normal in the Merovingian kingdom , but also that it could be organized efficiently , and so far as one can see , fairly .
2 Both groups performed the same task in the judgment phase , this involved watching the same films in their entirety .
3 I talked to the lady for some time and we seemed to like the same things , so I was pleased when their bid was the successful one .
4 Furthermore the resulting " socialist man " seemed to have the same needs as his capitalist counterpart for material goods , especially those based on energy and materially intensive technologies .
5 Drawing on North American experience , the Commission concluded that ‘ poor management was an important contributory factor to New York 's problems ’ , and sought to apply the same lessons here ( p. 2 ) .
6 His model and hero was his neighbour Mustafa Kenal Ataturk ; he strove to implement the same reforms in Iran as were being achieved in Turkey .
7 In itself this was not so radical a departure from polling methods , and soon Gallup and other agencies began to adopt the same methods .
8 Ironically , Cadillac also started building the same engines soon after Leland started Lincoln .
9 A similar register of all villages and other groups of buildings should be compiled and examined using the same criteria , with the same objective .
10 imposing in relation to any permitted underletting the same obligations as contained in clause 5.9.6 and in clause[s] 5.9.7 [ 5.9.8 and 5.9.9 ] ] [ 5.9.7 Prior to any permitted underletting to procure that the undertenant enters into direct covenants with the Landlord to the like effect as those contained in clauses 5.9.6 [ and ] 5.9.7 [ 5.9.8 and 5.9.9 ] ] [ 5.9.8 To enforce the performance and observance by every such undertenant of the provisions of the underlease and not at any time either expressly or by implication to waive any breach of the covenants or conditions on the part of any undertenant or assignee of any underlease nor ( without the consent of the Landlord such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ) vary the terms or accept a surrender of any permitted underlease ] [ 5.9.9 In relation to any permitted underlease :
11 imposing in relation to any permitted underletting the same obligations in clause 5.9.6 and in clause[s] 5.9.7 [ 5.9.8 and 5.9.9 ] ] [ 5.9.7 Prior to any permitted underletting to procure that the undertenant enters into direct covenants with the Landlord to the like effect as those contained in clauses 5.9.6 [ and ] 5.9.7 [ 5.9.8 and 5.9.9 ] ] [ 5.9.8 To enforce the performance and observance by every such undertenant of the provisions of the underlease and not at any time either expressly or by implication to waive any breach of the covenants or conditions on the part of any undertenant or assignee of any underlease nor ( without the consent of the Landlord such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ) vary the terms of any permitted underlease ] [ 5.9.9 In relation to any permitted underlease to ensure that the rent is reviewed in accordance with the terms of the underlease ]
12 As the company grew , smaller clone-makers , also building to IBM 's software standard , started trying the same tactics on Compaq itself .
13 I had suggested all cars would inevitably look the same , as rival designers struggled to meet the same constraints dictated by safety requirements and ever-better fuel economy .
14 The declaration stated that , whereas heretofore , to wit , etc. , in consideration that the plaintiff , at the request of the defendant , had then consented to allow the defendant to weigh divers , to wit two , boilers of the plaintiff , of great value , etc. , defendant promised that he would , within a reasonable time after the said weighing was effected , leave and give up the boilers in as perfect and complete a condition , and as fit for use by plaintiff , as the same were in at the time of the consent so given by plaintiff ; and that , although in pursuance of the consent so given , defendant to wit , on , etc. , did weigh the same boilers , yet defendant did not nor would , within a reasonable time after the said weighing was effected leave and give up boilers in as perfect , etc. , but wholly neglected and refused so to do , although a reasonable time for that purpose had elapsed before the commencement of this suit ; and , on the contrary thereof , defendant afterwards , to wit on , etc. , took the said boilers to pieces and did not put the same together again but left the same in a detached and divided condition , and in many different pieces , whereby plaintiff hath been put to great trouble , etc .
15 Whereas European countries tended to acquire public ownership of the assets of natural monopolies , the United States preferred to handle the same problems through public regulation of industries whose assets were left in private ownership .
16 This study aimed to use the same methods to examine anorectal function in 23 patients with complete supraconal spinal cord lesions and to determinate the relationship between the site of the lesion and the existence of inconsistent phenomena .
17 The two men exchanged experiences and found that they had heard the same noises of heavy breathing and the kick on the door .
18 Licensed deposit-takers had to meet the same requirements , but did not need to offer as wide a range of services .
19 Over the years they had attended the same victuallers ' functions , and on every occasion Harcourt had kept very much to his own table .
20 He told his fellow prisoners of an attack on a colonial settlement where the creatures had made the same noises just before they raided and massacred the colonists .
21 And he was delighted to find that these forerunners of pop journalism had used the same skills as those on which he prided himself to stamp events into the nation 's consciousness .
22 The Rampton Report ( 1981 ) had used the same processes of data collection and presentation , comparing only overarching ethnic categories such as West Indian , Asian and White with no discussion of sex differences within each .
23 Even if he had used the same words , his non verbal communication in the two situations would have conveyed a very different attitude .
24 Of course , I had reached the same conclusions but he was always better at presenting the facts .
25 This feeling was shared by his Prussian and Habsburg colleagues , who had cherished the same hopes .
26 My soldiers had inherited the same genes from the present queen as those old soldiers had inherited from the ancestral queens .
27 I began to imagine that the landlord , being about to emigrate , might murder us to get our money … ’ and claims that Johnson had entertained the same fears , although Johnson never mentions such thoughts .
28 He had worked the same hours , on the same farm for nine years but he was paid as a casual labourer , and so had no right to a pension , to notice pay — not even to the right of appeal .
29 No tape recorder , no camera , questions strictly limited to her professional life , the right not to answer , the chance to okay quotes , no absurd leather trousers , accompanied at the interview by a trusted associate — if only her predecessors , who are equally distinguished publishers after all , had taken the same precautions .
30 He told us that " if only the car industry had achieved the same improvements in price performance since the war as the electronics industry , a 1980 Rolls Royce would only cost 2 pence . "
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