Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] him [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I 'ad to hit him with an ornament , and when his fam'ly got back from church 'is wife asked him what 'ad happened to his face .
2 She tried phoning him with a variety of invitations she felt he would n't refuse , but he always made excuses for not meeting her .
3 Since someone tried to kill him with a parcel bomb back in Lusaka , he 's moved several times and today still goes in fear of his life .
4 It proposed bringing him before a tribunal of officers .
5 The 30-year-old man , who has not been named , died despite the efforts of coastguards and ambulancemen , who tried to revive him after a failed rescue attempt by surfers .
6 His General Practitioner was notified by telephone of his impending discharge and promised to visit him within a couple of days .
7 He felt hammer blows to his arm before Dean tried to stab him with a screwdriver .
8 He felt hammer blows to his arm before Dean tried to stab him with a screwdriver .
9 A paper boy on his morning round was grabbed by a man who then tried to drag him into a waiting car .
10 The boy was deliverying papers in Kingham village just before seven this morning when a man tried to drag him into a waiting estate car .
11 A YOUNG Tyrone man has claimed British intelligence officers tried to recruit him as an informer while he was on holiday in Spain .
12 With that deceptively loose-limbed walk , he ambled towards her , and Hilary tried to picture him as a property developer and failed .
13 ‘ I 'd heard him for a bit by then .
14 It is said that a deputation of quarrymen came to see him with a view to getting a trade union recognised .
15 ‘ They seemed to accept him as a father figure . ’
16 Nineteen year old Joseph from South London said he 'd been acting in self defence , and he was cleared of murdering Bob who 'd challenging him with a hammer when he found him slashing car tyres .
17 Another of his treasures , the seventh volume of Gaud Maybellome 's Encyclopaedia of Heavenly Signs , originally written in the language of Third Dominion academics but widely translated for the delectation of the proletariat , he 'd bought from a woman in the city of Jassick , who 'd approached him in a gaming room where he was attempting to explain cricket to a group of the locals , and said she recognized him from stories her husband ( who was in the Autarch 's army in Yzordderrex ) had told .
18 But he made little effort to develop this outside his own definitions of the genealogical method , while his shift into the problematics of power seemed to lead him into a labyrinth from which it was virtually impossible to extract himself .
19 The name seemed to halt him for a moment , but when his hands were again moving over her , the scream she let out crying , ‘ Mother !
20 A SUPERMARKET assistant recognised a man who tried to pay for goods with a stolen credit card — because she 'd seen him as a strippergram .
21 Oh fine , yet Jo was just saying on the phone there that she 'd seen him in a catalogue .
22 As soon as you deigned to tell me that the Svend you were looking for was a student , and that he 'd used my home as a hotel , I recalled that my nephew spent a night here shortly after I moved in so that he could attend a lecture at the city university , and that I 'd entrusted him with a spare key so he could come and go as he pleased . ’
23 They 'd locked him in a dirty little hole with a bed you would n't put a dog under .
24 They valued his vigour and inventiveness and came to respect him as a reliable man of business .
25 ‘ but he was wearing a collar and I 'd tied him to a lamppost . ’
26 And he was cleared of murdering Bob who 'd challenged him with a hammer when he found him slashing car tyres .
27 Ever since we 'd been at university together , I 'd known him as a bit of a shower freak , staying in there for ages .
28 But he was sitting where we 'd left him beside an empty biscuit tin .
29 They 'd kept him in a kiosk on Brighton front day and night waiting for the Germans to invade .
30 And with Earl Robert the saint condescended to tease him with a paradox !
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