Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] him [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The chow-chow sank his teeth into Ravi Bhatiasevi 's arm when he tried to stop him fighting another dog .
2 The fearful heat of the city seemed to encourage him to sleep half his time away and she had never felt more English than when she observed his devotion that summer to the long siesta .
3 ‘ I 'd seen him like that so many times before , but at least after a couple of days he 'd say , ‘ Vicky , I got to clean up . ’
4 She had seen him like this before , the night they 'd met , when he 'd been determined to have his own way ; she 'd seen him like this again , when he 'd announced she was not going to return to Milan …
5 She said she 'd got him to agree that day and it was no use arguing because it was her price for keeping her promise to be silent about her work on the other paintings . ’
6 But imagine , if after we 'd persuaded him to say all that , we announced that he 'd decided to go back .
7 On her return , she 'd found him entertaining several field officers from the nearby KOSB battalion .
8 I mean you 'd asked him to do that
9 She was impressed , and agreed to let him exhibit some work in one of the long corridors leading from reception to the dining-room .
10 so I thought let him do that ,
11 Temperament and conviction combined to make him see this moment , not as one of intriguing human possibilities , but as one offering an unofficial means to an official end .
12 Not that such a tenuous connection was any real guarantee of respectability , but it did make him seem less of a stranger .
13 Those who did know him had little idea that he was a dangerous psychotic , who nurtured a deep hatred for his parents .
14 When told to settle down — and Emlyn Williams , who had to a large extent taken over the parental role from Philip Burton at this stage , did instruct him to do that — it clicked with something and he thought — well , why not ?
15 She had heard him use that tone of voice in the past and knew exactly what it meant .
16 If ‘ that bloody woman ’ had heard him utter such a curse , she would have ripped into him with a piece of her mind , then he would have whipped her with his tongue , then this sop of a man before him would have got between them , and afore you knew it , there would be a full-scale war waging — and in the heat of the moment he might foolishly betray his devious plans to boot the lot of them out of his house and out of his life .
17 There Tyndale wrote to urge him to avoid any discussion of the Sacraments , but he failed to take this advice and was convicted as a heretic precisely on this question and was burned .
18 Sitthi explained that the ASEAN countries had instructed him to communicate these principles for a settlement to the Soviet leadership .
19 Karen , very tired and possibly a little drunk , realised slowly that she had seen him deploy this technique before , at an earlier dinner in the house , and that somehow it was probably quite offensive .
20 The Shah 's own eyes 's were wet , This was not the first time that his officers had seen him show such emotion .
21 It was the first time I had seen him reveal any emotion in his face , and it had something of the intensity of grief .
22 She had seen him like this before , the night they 'd met , when he 'd been determined to have his own way ; she 'd seen him like this again , when he 'd announced she was not going to return to Milan …
23 What on earth had made him say that ?
24 " Funny , being a bird-watcher , " a boy called Cosgrave had once said and Stephen had made him take that back , twisting his arm until he agreed to .
25 She had watched him leave all those years ago , he thought .
26 The actual sedition charge , however , reportedly arose from an article on tribalism , in which Imanyara wrote that some readers had contacted him to allege that undue favouritism was being shown in official quarters towards particular groups .
27 But the demon which had driven him to drink that night , after months of abstinence , had him in its thrall .
28 Maybe he 'd bitterly regretted the impulse that had led him to marry such a young girl — possibly the only rash decision of his well-ordered life .
29 As to the teaching profession , he said that he could have wished me to have obtained a less demanding post , if I wanted to write , because his experience at Highgate School had led him to believe that teaching , if conscientiously undertaken , was one of the most exhausting of occupations ; and , though I do not regret the experience , I was to discover that regarding its rigours he was right .
30 At St Martin 's she had imagined him crossing that limit but his mind refusing to accept the memory of it .
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