Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] out from the " in BNC.

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1 She tried to make out from the hill , as she jogged down the track , whether the ferryboat was plying among the craft in the harbour .
2 They reckon there was a load of fallen branches lying under the air shaft before we pushed the guy down it ; according to the young cop who first went down it looked like he 'd crawled out from the middle of the pile .
3 The solid bulk of the nation was as dedicated as ever to the war , phlegmatic and unquestioning , turning a closed mind and a deaf ear to the tales men brought back from Verdun , in much the same way as when , to the succeeding generation , rumours began to filter out from the concentration camps .
4 As he stood on the stage he felt pouring out from the audience that most British of reflexes : the will for the underdog to win .
5 He remembered staring out from the nest site on a clear cold morning and seeing a line of grey-blue a few miles to the north which they said was the sea .
6 True , we were the two boys who did stand out from the other three by temper and temperament .
7 ‘ Kenny did stand out from the rest for the job , but it was an extremely hard decision , ’ said Gage .
8 The tree was gleaming green with new foliage that had broken out from the charred branches of the first encounter between the English and the islanders .
9 Norman had pointed out from the beginning that this financial package would not necessarily be sufficient to attract the highest quality executive , and warned the Government that they should be prepared to pay more .
10 B Once Fokine had demonstrated that mimed dance and danced mime were the best materials to use in ballets where individual characters had to stand out from the rest of the cast , and particularly when true love did not run smoothly , other choreographers. followed suit .
11 Those people whose families had moved out from the inner areas still retained some ties with relatives in the inner city , but clearly such ties are by definition weaker in quality than ties with immediate neighbours , and they were dismissed as relatively weak in our inner-city network analysis .
12 The female half of the population had to wait even longer for an equal political voice : not until substantial numbers of women had moved out from the shelter of the home to take an independent place in the labour market was women 's claim to a voice in the political market allowed .
13 Only later did she learn that what Rosemary had been doing back in Hazelbury that Saturday when Sebastian had met her had been to come and tell her parents personally that Derek had moved out from the flat they shared and was now living with someone else .
14 The fact that Marc had registered her exact words seemed to say that they meant something — that he had n't simply dismissed what she had yelled out from the shower , but that he had remembered and , as it seemed now , had brooded over them for some time .
15 When Petion returned , Ace had brought out from the TARDIS the four Vickers guns that she had liberated from the palace armoury , and was checking their actions for signs of wear or damage .
16 A uniformed policeman had stepped out from the kerb up ahead and was waving them into a side road .
17 They had to fight their way out and back , and in the midst Balliol himself and these others had issued out from the castle .
18 The Quick Count organization suffered from computer problems , however , and other unofficial tallies continued to leak out from the count .
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