Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] up with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Kayersbridge Farm in Hurst , Berkshire , was making its second appearance at auction : auctioneer Gary Murphy had sold it in December for £262,000 to a bidder who failed to come up with the money .
2 Just two days before the share sale was due to close , the Greater Manchester Council superannuation fund failed to come up with the expected £250,000 .
3 Middlesbrough 's shambolic defenders failed to come up with the answers to the riddles posed by Rosenthal 's direct running .
4 The Quebec government , however , warned the federal government and the English-speaking provinces that if they failed to come up with an acceptable constitutional solution , Quebec would proceed with its own independence referendum by October 1992 .
5 I got mixed up with the wrong crowd for a while …
6 Colleagues wept as they told how she planned to meet up with a friend for a two-week walking holiday .
7 She tried to catch up with the machine , but she did n't want to attract any undue attention from the IMC troopers , and the thing seemed determined to ignore her .
8 Well in them days you could , if you got fed up with a job you could just go and move on to another
9 Pete got fed up with the slow roach sport and decided to switch to a spinner .
10 ‘ No , they did n't throw me out , miss ; I got fed up with the chatter .
11 If I got fed up with the foster parents there was no one I could turn to really .
12 He 'd met up with a marvellous girl in Munster , anyway ; then a fully consenting Hausfrau from Hamburg … and so it had gone on .
13 Like someone drowning , Sarah saw her past life in detail ; the filthy room in which she 'd grown up with no privacy and no sanitation , the painful joints on Ma 's fingers from too much sewing , Paddy 's brawls , and the incessant noise and smell of Turnmill Street .
14 The problems of Russia suddenly became topical two years ago at school , and although I 'd grown up with a faint mistrust of ‘ Commies ’ , in 1988 I started writing to Murat , a young Russian .
15 We 'd got up with the rest at 4.00 am and stumbled , steep-blind on a starry night into stony darkness : another alpine day had started in night .
16 Mind , it was the surprise of me life to 'ear you 'd teamed up with a fly female pickpocket , I did n't know you was one of the lads . ’
17 Apparently he 'd fixed up with the travel agency which handled Dalgety 's bookings for you to join him at all the Grands Prix . ’
18 She 'd hoped Bernard would grow up to be a priest : now he 'd taken up with a woman .
19 He was standing well apart from them as he gave Joe and his mother the details , and as the tears rolled down his cheeks Joe sensed a great loneliness in his cousin that seemed to link up with a similar feeling within himself , and he was drawn to Martin to put his arms about him , and when their faces touched both were wet .
20 He was an experienced member of a well-drilled team , but was killed when he became tangled up with a colleague .
21 Dreams of Comfort and Anthony and David mixed with memories of the war and became tangled up with the figures on the painted ceiling above her bed and the work she had been doing for Kesselring 's trial .
22 Having set the scene , it was about 2 years ago whilst I was being taken for a walk through the village by our springer dog , that I happened to meet up with the Church Warden who , after passing the time of day suddenly said ‘ Ah Bob , you do a bit of woodwork , do n't you ?
23 Well we the E E C started off with the water filtrations and air products and then they got tied up with an American outfit doing fuel savers , magnets for your car .
24 Here , with the concentration on labour-intensive crops , not only large estates with hired labour but large peasant farms also flourished , and even began to catch up with the estates .
25 Russia , for example , failed to keep up with the scientific and technological innovations of the West .
26 If that image changes rapidly in time , as it would in a moving video sequence , for example , then a huge amount of digital information must be stored , transferred and processed to keep up with the requirements of delivering the motion video to the user .
27 But she just looks at me pityingly , like I was behind the times and needed to catch up with the latest ideas . ’
28 Thomas needed to catch up with the shapechanger .
29 well my thoughts had cristalized that we would have to change the direction of er , we communicating with them as we 've done in the past , we could n't just use adverts that we might have used regional in a regional press , we had to pick out the point , in the , in the actual article so that four example there were six or seven points that had clearly been made , statements that had been made , I had to devise a scheme then , er , it was only a scheme in my thinking that actually , I had to devise a scheme that would pick up each of these points encounter them , now there was no way I could simply take an advert out and say , they said this , we say that because that would have had no credibility , so what I was thinking at that time is how we might be able to use some other form of being able to counter those six or seven points and I started to come up with an idea perhaps using a third party , because in our business , third party recommendation are very , very powerful and when selling to the elderly because they do not take , I 'm sorry , they take a long time to come to a decision , they mull over it and such like , they take a lot of influence from people , take advise from family , accountants , solicitors , bank managers and such like , so the idea of having a third party in a sense recommend then would have allowed us to get over those particular points , so that 's what was germinating in my mind at the time
30 What happened after that was that divisional FA representative Arthur Clark took up the case and more sedentary media throughout Britain puffed to catch up with the Backtrack exclusive .
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