Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] her [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was gazing at her with an infuriating world-weariness suggesting he 'd heard her argument a hundred times before .
2 Hari knew it was mostly done to help Craig and yet Edward Morris seemed to like her work a great deal .
3 Arrangements were carefully made so that Lunia would not be compromised and Modigliani came to paint her portrait the following day in the Sunny Hotel on the Boulevard de Port-Royal , the little lodging house where Zborowski was living with his handsome and somewhat forbidding common-law wife , Anna ( Hanka ) Zborowska .
4 When the Queen came to visit her grandchild the following day her comment was typical .
5 Unable to keep up the pretence any longer , she 'd told her friend the whole , disastrous story behind her stay in New York , only withholding her fears about a possible pregnancy as she 'd related the disastrous sequence of events .
6 She passed Mr Bumble the tea-cup , and as he took it , he managed to give her hand a little stroke .
7 She had little doubt that she had allowed her heart to rule her head , and , much as she had enjoyed what had happened between her and David , could she ultimately trust a man who had treated her sister the way he had ?
8 And another wave of chill wrapped her ; yes , she had been left untouched , though she had cleaved to his seal like hot wax and his pigment had painted her stomach the colour of the moon .
9 By the time Carrie had completed her task the wind had increased in strength from the north and a fierce blizzard was setting in .
10 ‘ Nonsense , ’ said Leonora , who had given her sister a very much edited version of Saturday night .
11 André was far too exuberant to be shattered by something like that , but it had given her ego a kick .
12 The fresh air and exercise had given her skin a radiant bloom that did n't need enhancement .
13 But she had lifted her skirts a full six inches above the ground as she entered the water , and he was captivated .
14 On their first date she had shown Preston , with nonchalant pride , the scars where she had slashed her wrists a few days after her nineteenth birthday .
15 The deep voice behind her made her jump and , turning quickly , she met the smiling face of the man who had attracted her attention a short while back .
16 Setting it all up so beautifully , manipulating Jack and the girl into the most compromising of positions had done her self-confidence a power of good .
17 The year Lydia had bought her cottage a young person had died and Lydia had been lost for words , as people are in the face of tragedy .
18 With that Violet — she felt somewhat better , her mother was such a snob ( even her father had thought her mother a snob ) — went through for her bath ; the bliss of hot scented soothing waters .
19 But then there was also the ingenue , a young girl with all the sparkle of a Guy Fawkes night fireworks display , who appeared in one scene in a straw boater and what looked very like a parson 's dog collar and had everyone in the audience drooling — just as they had on Broadway where in New Faces she had had her break a few months before .
20 If only Esther had shown her daughter the love she craved , Beth would have returned that love , and things would have been so very different .
21 ‘ If I 'd been fitter I would have been sitting next to him on that aeroplane , ’ said heartbroken Fiona , who had nicknamed her lover the ‘ Kiwi Crocodile Dundee . ’
22 But she smiled to herself , as she thought again of the handsome Spaniard with those black eyes full of a sense of fun and adventure , that mane of glossy hair falling over one eye — and his dark brown velvet voice , which had melted her heart a lot more than she admitted to Rosie .
23 My aunt , the last survivor of my mother 's family , had lost her sister the previous year , and I helped her to arrange for the sale of most of the contents of her house , and for her own establishment in a club .
24 The thought made her shudder , but the fact that he had n't referred to the ghastly possibility himself made her wonder if Isabelle had kept her pregnancy a secret from the de Rochefort clan .
25 I had advised Her Majesty the Queen not to break her holiday and leave Balmoral because of the General Election .
26 Diana , whose frustration in her failed marriage has been revealed in TODAY , refused to give her husband a hint of the warmth she once showed .
27 As she sat rubbing her foot a sense of the ground around her intruded on her anger ; a sense of the garden as a place , with its own shape and past .
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