Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although it became heretical to deny that God could have created other worlds , it was as dangerous to say that He had .
2 He used these to preach that kings are made , and can only be unmade , by God , to whom solely they are responsible ; that sedition is opposed no less to God than to the king ; that it is a sin not merely to speak evil of the king but even to think evil of him .
3 Having in Scotland lost the vote for the ordination of women to the priesthood , it seemed profitable to argue that women should be ordained to the diaconate ( that is to say be made deacons , not simply deaconesses ) .
4 Greenpeace expedition leader , Paul Horsman , said that he did not blame the Iranians since " misunderstandings were bound to occur " , but that few people seemed willing to believe that Greenpeace was an organization wholly independent of Western governments .
5 But writing the first edition in the midst of the Common Market discussions of 1972 , it seemed appropriate to remark that Britain decided some 200 million years ago to remain with Europe rather than depart with North America .
6 It was against this background , namely that it seemed preposterous to suppose that a.b could ever be other than equal to b.a in any consistent algebraic setting , that Hamilton looked for more than 10 years for an extension of complex numbers suitable for application to the physics of 3-dimensional space .
7 Other staff said she seemed annoyed to discover that Mrs Fribbins had wet the bed .
8 In March 1862 the novelist Ivan Turgenev satirized Russia 's revolutionary youth in Fathers and Sons , but the fires that devastated St Petersburg two months later led many to suppose that radicals were tough enough to engage in arson .
9 The astonishing economic achievements of the golden years led many to conclude that capitalism had undergone a qualitative transformation — that the bad old days of slumps and class antagonisms had been transcended for ever .
10 De Gaulle interpreted this to mean that Churchill had excluded Free French forces in order to please his American allies .
11 The 58-year-old Haydn took this to mean that Mozart feared that his friend might not survive the long and hazardous journey .
12 There is evidence that following the start of treatment the lesions of primary or secondary syphilis are free of active treponemes within 48 hours , although it would be a brave person who took this to mean that intercourse was safe so soon after starting treatment .
13 Added to this , three so-called responsible members of Her Majesty 's Opposition ( Labour ) saw fit to impute that Profumo had arranged to ship Miss Keeler abroad so as to render her unavailable to give evidence at the Old Bailey trial of her coloured lover .
14 She looked aghast , tried to defend her view and then grew apologetic saying that newspaper offices were n't like others , the most extraordinary things turned up in the post all the time and it was reflex to laugh them off and throw them away .
15 Of the 50 men questioned 27 knew that Michael Fallon is the Conservative MP and that he is standing again at the election .
16 The Defence Secretary , Mr Tom King , felt obliged to say that Nato must maintain its vigilance .
17 Did that mean that Tolby had some inkling about the theft of the coins and Newley 's suspicions about the identity of the thief ?
18 Did this mean that Aquitaine was going to be permanently subordinated to the ruler of the Anglo-Norman realm ?
19 So great an impression did this make that Geoffrey de Rancon at once surrendered Pons .
20 Most of the facts about how an investment group could be allowed to draw in tens of millions of pounds of people 's savings for years after regulators had first spotted that things were amiss at Barlow Clowes were revealed in a report by Sir Godfray Le Quesne commissioned last year by the then Trade Secretary , Lord Young .
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