Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] i [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He tried to kill me for no apparent reason .
2 He rose to conduct me round the TOM complex .
3 ‘ They tried to pull me into a scrum once and they invited me into the showers with them ’ — GAIL PARKER ( a lady referee ) on problems encountered when trying to control men .
4 Now , when I look at the pictures of the car after the crash , with the passenger-side floor sill and roof crumpled and distorted and my seat moved forward — which helped trap me in the car — I wonder whether we chose the car on the correct criteria .
5 He tried to look me in the eye , Say
6 Gen Morillon , after talks in Belgrade , said : ‘ President Milosevic promised to help me in the implementation of every request I have made , that is the immediate ceasefire . ’
7 I promised to see that Constanza would get to Brussels on time , and he promised to take me behind the scenes of the art world .
8 ‘ After I 'd talked to Sue , another member of staff helped to introduce me to the residents .
9 As I was typing these words , a young friend phoned to tell me about the wonderful summer holiday he had just had with his father .
10 Several times the cottage tried to throw me from the scuffle boards , one night she succeeded , I got a badly twisted ankle .
11 He 'd picked up some cream that they 'd given me for a skin rash , stuck it under my blindfold and said , in a curious high-pitched waver , ‘ Champignons ? ’
12 He seemed to like me as a person — I felt I could trust him . ’
13 I first met him when he came to interview me as a young reporter .
14 Elizabeth : Elizabeth , a young woman who lives with her sister in a remote and primitive cottage in the Welsh mountains , came to see me about an infestation of scabies .
15 See , she came to see me on the bridge . ’
16 He came to see me after the performance — several times , in fact . ’
17 Camino came to see me in the bank and asked if the village girls would be prepared to collect food and take it on their bicycles to the prisoners .
18 Oddly enough , I did n't happen to be in my room again when Terry Wogan came to see me before the show on the second occasion .
19 All the same I felt a twinge of unease as he came to greet me in the bar of the Atlantic Hotel in Hamburg , an admiral now and much older , hobbling a little and holding a stick .
20 Then I 'd wondered if some women who 'd stopped me on the path had taken it .
21 Now that we were adults , she seemed to accept me as a friend .
22 ‘ Well , Dacre came to find me for the purpose of asking my permission to address you , ’ said Kirtlington .
23 They probably thought you 'd added me as a convoy . ’
24 Rather more , including Pike , came to shake me by the hand and ask me detailed and unanswerable questions about the nature of the extraterrestrials who had landed in the Wimbledon area .
25 So let me lay before you my own ideas , most of which have come from the practical application of regression therapy with a wide variety of patients who came to consult me for an even wider variety of reasons .
26 Anyhow , ’ he continued , ‘ the three of us spent the day locked in consultation , as Marc called it , the result being that he came charging to my rescue , routed the two con-merchants , who thought they 'd got me over a barrel , and generally behaved like the perfect human being he is . ’
27 But at least he did n't spot that until he 'd got me on the committee . ’
28 The two biffos would have come sneaking through the door , rubbing their hands and telling themselves they 'd got me by the balls , and I 'd have pointed the extinguisher and put out their fire .
29 One week later Captain Taylor came to fetch me in a jeep .
30 He 'd invited me to a supper dance after the show on Christmas Eve . ’
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