Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [v-ing] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He sat still and his words seemed to come crawling up the sunlight , over the grass .
2 None seemed to begrudge handing over the thousands of dollars in tolls payable in cash by each ship to the Canal Commission , which brought in more than £150 million in 1988 .
3 I did n't go after anything fancy , but somehow I seemed to keep muffing up the interviews .
4 Well , I 'd started going down the nick .
5 Then he give up , he got , you know , older and we bought the pony off him and she was used to rounds , you see , and she was used to pulling , after you 'd started going down the Fen she knew all the places .
6 But when they arrived to start pulling down the George hotel at Nailsworth in Gloucestershire , they were confronted by two hundred angry protesters .
7 I never did like sorting out the sheep from the goats … at the end of the first term in the fifth year … did n't like that at all … there was always a sort of … he 's doing ‘ O ’ level , the elite group .
8 The Germans had intended blowing up the cellars of Champagne before retreating , but on 28 August 1944 they were caught napping as General Patton and his 3rd Army swept into Épernay .
9 Suddenly the night had erupted into a confusion of fire , noise and light , as first the house had erupted in flames and then five heavy vehicles had come roaring up the twisting driveway , headlights blazing .
10 The session was short , the smile fading from the face of the accused as Mrs Balanchine described in detail how the car had come storming around a blind corner and swung in close to the wall where they were waiting to cross .
11 As I recall , I had conveyed a plea to Miss Kenton for assistance — via a messenger , naturally — and had left M. Dupont sitting in the billiard room awaiting his nurse , when the first footman had come hurrying down the staircase in some distress to inform me that my father had been taken ill upstairs .
12 Successive government reports since the late 1930s had recommended setting up a national film bank , but it was only in the wake of the 1948 production crisis that the government seriously contemplated making funds available to the industry .
13 Then she had to imagine switching on the light in that cupboard under the stairs and taking a couple of steps forward so that she was just inside — but with the door open to the hall and with the knowledge that she only had to take a single large step back to be out there again .
14 ’ Werewolf nodded towards the restaurant 's kitchens from where Gino had appeared zipping up the flies on a new pair of jeans .
15 He had a number of scenes reshot because he did n't like the way he looked in the original scenes , and by the time he had finished hacking up the picture , it was a complete mess .
16 Before she had finished hanging out the clothes , there was a glorious double rainbow across the sky .
17 When she had finished hanging out the washing , before she went for the weekly shop at SavaCentre , Sara applied her lipstick , and around her throat she squirted the toilet water which she had had for three years and never before used .
18 The whole bar was up on its feet to watch even before she had finished laying down the opening phrases ; by the time she was into the full fury of the aria , with its demanding coloratura decorations , its elaborate breathing technique and its famous placing of the pauses , we were all applauding and whistling .
19 But at the word ‘ walk ’ Sally had started putting up a tremendous performance , and the party broke up .
20 While admitting that the US company 's board had discussed winding up the Irish operation a number of times , he emphasized his gratitude and that of the board for the help and co-operation received from the Irish government and the IDA .
21 Earlier , for brief periods of the day , she had contemplated making up a foursome not unhappily , might have taken risks , might even have ended up in bed with someone , the classic holiday encounter .
22 DELEGATES to the International Coffee Organisation meeting in London said they expected to begin drawing up a framework within which economic clauses could eventually be reintroduced into the agreement .
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