Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pn reflx] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 But in a wider context Gloucester failed to establish himself as the heir of the earls of Oxford .
2 But in a wider context Gloucester failed to establish himself as the heir of the earls of Oxford .
3 In the US , for example , where the socialist party failed to establish itself as a major party after a fairly rapid growth in the first decade of this century , it has long been argued that the presidential system is a major obstacle to the development of third parties , and undoubtedly these constitutional factors have been important ; but it is clear that many other social and economic characteristics of the US have had a preponderant influence in determining the absence of a large-scale independent socialist movement or party there ( Sombart , 1906 ; Laslett and Lipset , 1974 ) .
4 By looking after its past employees , the army sought to position itself as a caring organisation which would encourage new recruits .
5 I will grow old gracefully , as we are advised ; and as I made ready for the night I tried to see myself as the little girls must have seen me .
6 In time , academic anthropology became less directly associated with evolutionary ideas , and it tried to establish itself as a respectable , if not conservative , branch of the social sciences .
7 Relations between the two countries had grown tense during the months prior to the Iraqi invasion as Saddam moved to establish himself as the dominant Arab nationalist leader [ see pp. 37390 ; 37472 ] .
8 She called a gangcult a gangcult , but the Daughters tried to sell themselves as a Conservative Pressure Group .
9 She leaned against the wooden wall , and tried to flatten herself as a tall thin man came out of an adjacent door and turned in her direction .
10 In the later 1650s , for example , Oliver Cromwell came to see himself as a second Moses who , having led his people out of the Egyptian slavery of Laudianism and through the Red Sea of civil war , was now struggling to bring them towards the Promised Land .
11 As the movement and the significance of British fascism owed so much to Sir Oswald Mosley , and as he increasingly came to see himself as the political spokesman for the lost generation and the survivors of the First World War , it is the impact of that event I want to examine first .
12 Once this conviction had been acquired , however , it became almost impossible to dislodge it , and they came to see themselves as an elite , chosen people permanently set apart from the majority of their unregenerate contemporaries .
13 No doubt his personal friendship with Wyatt , which was sustained throughout the work , helped , but Scott , with some justification , seemed to regard himself as the senior partner .
14 He had the air of an aristocrat and as he turned to gaze at Blackberry from his great , brown eyes , Hazel began to see himself as a ragged wanderer , leader of a gang of vagabonds .
15 He played no part in the newly founded Royal Society or the College of Physicians , although at this time he began to describe himself as an ‘ MD ’ .
16 At the beginning of June the companies began marketing themselves as a ‘ total service ’ to corporate clients , a one-stop-shop for print buyers from desk top to finished brochure .
17 He started to distinguish himself as an athlete of no mean promise and , understandably , invitations to meetings out of the area were forthcoming .
18 This may have been no more than wishful thinking , and during the campaign the Conservative Party managed to project itself as the most radical of the contenders for office .
19 He published an autobiography in 1975 : he chose to portray himself as a rapscallion ( internal evidence suggests that it had been written in jail ) .
20 Mrs Thatcher appeared to see herself as the embodiment of revenge upon a whole generation of social engineers .
21 In Azerbaijan the Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region voted to establish itself as an independent republic with the support of 99.9 per cent of those who took part in a referendum on the matter , and applied to join the newly-established Commonwealth of Independent States ; Azerbaijan , for its part , voted to abolish the region entirely , renamed its capital city and placed the whole area under the control of a military governor .
22 That made McIllvanney a gold-plated pimp , though he preferred to describe himself as a ‘ leisure-agent ’ ; however , he usually had the grace to smile when he used that label .
23 For a month I had lived in an open tent , a hundred yards from the nearest human being , and from dawn to dusk had wandered through the jungles , and on several occasions had disguised myself as a woman and cut grass in places where no local inhabitant dared to go .
24 He had advocated electricity nationalisation in the 1930s , and during the War ( as the TUC were drawn increasingly into the government consultative machine ) had distinguished himself as an administrator and committee-man of high repute with members of all political parties .
25 Bracing the lamp with his foot , he jerked the flex out and then had to steady himself as the unstable ground beneath him shifted .
26 By the time English had situated itself as a centre of learning and teaching at all universities in the early 1930s , its ethos and evaluative criteria were those associated with a masculine profession , rather than with a programme of national cultural intervention .
27 By eleven that morning she had installed herself as the cleaning dragon and there were twenty-seven earthenware bowls soaking in a strong solution of bleach .
28 In a playing career that ended the month Graeme Souness arrived at Rangers , Johnstone had excelled himself as a rumbustious centre-forward .
29 He had seen himself as a man with everything to lose , opposed by the Sinn Feiners who had nothing to lose .
30 Head tilted back , and firing out ideas like a machine-gun in his nasal North London voice , he had presented himself as a man with his finger on the modem business pulse .
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