Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [adv] and the " in BNC.

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1 On an early test flight the undercarriage retraction mechanism jammed because a glove got caught up and the gear collapsed in the subsequent landing , fortunately without damage to the airframe .
2 Before I moved in the ceiling got smashed in and the place was covered in water — it happens because the places are left empty .
3 The Archdeacon stopped talking instantly and the Dean crossed his long legs .
4 It would be more acceptable if the dam made electricity , but it is silted up because the water analysis got muddled up and the river is much siltier than was originally expected .
5 There may be ten of us on Scotland Place on a Saturday night when the Morning Star got chucked out and the licensee was a feller called Pat McEwen ( he had a marine store dealer 's in Chaucer Street and took that pub ) .
6 They 'd fallen out and the Baroness had left their mansion and moved into modest rented accomodation at Docklow near Hereford .
7 His eyes seemed glazed over and the smile was stretched and impenetrable .
8 At last I got on a bus , which trundled quite briskly to the far end of the King 's Road , but after World 's End , where the streets were darker , the fog seemed to close in and the bus was forced to nose its way cautiously along in first gear .
9 Leeds battled fiercely with Whelan playing well up front , holding the ball and putting decent balls in the box a lot ( he came on for Rocky at half time ) but when we did get back in it it was Deano who was in the box and looking like scoring who got hauled down and the ref points to the spot .
10 They failed to do so and the chance of forcing a negotiated peace was lost .
11 Held , allowing the appeal , that , where a creditor knew that security was being taken for the benefit of a debtor from a surety who was likely to be influenced by and to have some degree of reliance on the debtor , the creditor should seek to ensure that unfair advantage was not taken of the surety ; that , if the creditor failed to do so and the surety 's consent to the transaction was procured by the debtor 's undue influence or material misrepresentation or the surety lacked an adequate understanding of the nature and effect of the transaction , the security would be unenforceable ; that the bank knew that the defendants were husband and wife and that the wife was being asked to provide security for the husband 's business and was likely to rely on his judgment , and they should have ensured that she understood the nature and effect of the document which she was asked to sign ; and that , since the bank had failed to do so and had left it to the husband to explain the transaction , so that as a result of the husband 's misrepresentation the wife entered into the charge on the misunderstanding that her liability was limited to £60,000 , they could not enforce the charge against the wife save to the extent of £60,000 ( post , pp. 620C–G , 622F — 623C , D–F , 635G — 636F ) .
12 Unfortunately , public interest then began to fall off and the sing was suspended from 1866 until 1894 , except for a special event to raise funds for new public baths for Holmfirth in 1887 .
13 The sound of the gun silenced the Chinese for a few seconds , then a lone woman 's voice began wailing again and the Shermans saw a thin ragged body forced up against the underside of the grille .
14 When the islands were first settled , the population began to increase rapidly and the number of inhabitants soon exceeded the resources , prompting emigration to other Portuguese lands .
15 The nocturne began to grow again and the music was her essence .
16 Her cheeks began to fill out and the hollows by her collar bone were less noticeable , but the dullness in her blue eyes persisted .
17 The end came soon after the 62-year old patient 's kidneys began to shut down and the amount of blood pumped by his artificial heart dropped .
18 Once a grass-snake slid across the path in front of her and made her halt sharply with a startled cry , but she went resolutely on again , and at last the trees began to thin out and the patch of sky in front of her widen .
19 The birds hopped and sang for perhaps two minutes ; then the mechanism began to run down and the birds hopped more and more slowly and heavily , the twittering drew itself out in gasps .
20 Then , as if to break the spell , the sheep dogs began to bark frenziedly and the nearby sheep stampeded as if they sensed impending danger .
21 The disaster on the London-Belfast flight happened after one of the Boeing 's two engines began to break up and the crew mistakenly shut down the other one .
22 Then the heavy cloud began to break up and the pearly rays of the morning sun beamed down on a spume-streaked sea that glistened in shades of emerald and jade .
23 It was only when democracy was restored in Spain that this legacy truly began to break down and the form of state enterprises changed to accommodate the interests of organized labour .
24 Even though he was on salary for the film , and not a huge one at that , when it began to take off and the weekly gross takings at the box office began mounting in millions rather than thousands , Hopper arranged for Jack to get a percentage .
25 It began to snow again and the dark streets of Berlin had a new , immaculate blanket , hiding the grime and grease of the day .
26 Got you got erm a pair of two lovers er , a woman 's house got burnt down and the man next door went down there and helped them build it up .
27 Then all the glass started to go everywhere and the police helped us out of the area . ’
28 Mona graffiti started to appear everywhere and the craze was fuelled by my own furious reaction whenever I discovered some new example of the genre .
29 Anyway , , the old shed looks well there er , I du n no why I started to look out and the cat was on his back legs with his feet like that and he was looking up at me like that !
30 The room started to sway again and the pains in his head intensified .
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