Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For a while he tried to read , tried to sink back down into the fortunes of young Pao-yu and his beloved cousin , Tai-yu , but it was no good ; his mind kept returning to the question of the Aristotle File and what it might mean for Chung Kuo .
2 Anyone who tried to set up in between us would find it hard going .
3 When a scuffle broke out , Saville moved to get away out of the way and fell awkwardly . ’
4 Several weeks ago Victor came crashing down out of a tree and on to his back .
5 The tide was rising : it came filtering gently in through the salt-marsh vegetation , washing up the beach and receding , leaving ribbons of foam along the sand .
6 His glass eye — he had lost the original when he was cleaning a gun — seemed to swivel further out of true than usual and stared pleasantly at the fire ; the real one looked like a razor .
7 There was a thick concrete wall which we were all going to hide behind and we had our helmets on in case any car parts came raining down out of the sky .
8 There was stuff piled up in it till it 'd spilled over on to the pathway .
9 I mean , if I were to sell my house now supposing somebody came galloping in along before Christmas ooh ooh I want the house on the first of Feb and they 'd come and they 'd see the house and they say yes I want it , want it , want it and it was plain that they were going to want it and we started to talk money , as soon as we 'd got the solid block of money I want one O two you er estate agent tells me I can get ninety seven between ninety five and ninety seven say they offer me ninety six
10 He felt depressed despite the weather and he blamed the little seaside town , where life in the winter seemed to go on out of habit .
11 He came shambling shyly out of his room , his black face almost coy in the embarrassing anticipation of being thanked .
12 As Daphne said this there flashed into Cecilia 's mind that conversation with Tina , that terrible thing Tina had said , and another thought , one that seemed to swim up out of the deep waters of her unconscious , the idea that she , Cecilia Darne , yes , she , had once long ago met the right girl , and here was that right girl talking to her now of something , oh , so akin to what Tina meant …
13 Tabitha hung her bag on her shoulder and came walking nonchalantly down from the cockpit , not even glancing up to see the great cables gliding rapidly down towards her head .
14 She hummed a tune and pretended to care about tasting a fragment of fish she 'd pinched up out of the herby broth .
15 fifty eight roles he 'd done earlier on in his career and he wanted to sort of you know , have a go at everything
16 Maybe they 'd got straight down to it .
17 The prints spilled on to the carpet and as Sabine bent to retrieve them the young boy 's face seemed to glare directly up at her , challenging and inimical .
18 Well the earnings of course went into the business we 'd er There was Dad , he 'd retired then out of the pits , early .
19 He 'd waited for Lucy but then , when she had n't come out alone , he 'd stayed well back in the shadows .
20 In the third hour of darkness the climactic storm seemed to materialise overhead out of a sky barely dappled with clouds .
21 She 'd spotted him for the first time three weekends ago when she 'd walked out on to the nightclub stage to perform her warm-up spot for the star turn of the evening .
22 Their horses were saddled and waiting , their farewells to the prior and brothers already made , and Hugh just reaching for his bridle , when Nicol came trudging sturdily in at the gatehouse , soiled and bruised and hoisting himself along on a staff he had cut for himself in the forest .
23 Then , when the war ended in the summer of 1945 , after being demobbed from Germany , he 'd gone straight back to the US , with no possible hope of any real communication between them except for one or two impermanent and unreliable addresses .
24 For years she 'd gone blithely on in her own way , enjoying the applause , proud that she could send audiences home happy , laughing and satisfied at the end of one of her shows .
25 It 'd gone right out of my mind until just now .
26 In all the euphoria following the successful birth , and the tea- and sandwich-making with Mrs Chalk afterwards , she 'd gone quietly along with everyone 's air of respectful gratitude for Guy , who 'd saved the day , whisked Lucy to hospital , kept everyone calm and optimistic , loomed in the background like a rock of dependable strength .
27 The sensation seemed to spread right down to the very pit of her stomach .
28 Now once he 'd stepped forward on to the on to the shore what happened ?
29 I opened the door for Patterson and then locked the cab up after he 'd stepped gingerly on to the pavement .
30 Over the piece , however , United took more out of the game .
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