Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So got to continue on there on behaviours recognize people that you see around about recognize to be aggressive , some as assertive some as passive .
2 No you got to sit up here in the car seat love , Charlotte get in or you 'll be late
3 The legislation was welcomed by the Prime Minister , but Walesa was said to object that it failed to go far enough in changing the 1952 Stalinist constitution .
4 The legislation was welcomed by the Prime Minister , but Walesa was said to object that it failed to go far enough in changing the 1952 Stalinist constitution .
5 Water sharing talks were held in Vienna on May 13-14 , chaired by Austria , and attended by more than 30 delegations , which agreed to meet again later in the year to discuss a number of issues including the creation of an international data-base on water , cross-border co-operation , methods of water management and ways to increase water resources .
6 Well the thing is , I got caught once before in the other place when I went to Manor of the Groves where I tried to book out erm and found I was late for the first erm
7 Thus state day nurseries became confined very largely to the children of poor and needy parents , often single parents .
8 The charities , the women — beautiful women , some of them , but so shallow , Ellie , so very shallow , and I think my son became disillusioned very early in life .
9 Folly tried to sink back inconspicuously into the soft leather seat and take stock .
10 For a while he tried to read , tried to sink back down into the fortunes of young Pao-yu and his beloved cousin , Tai-yu , but it was no good ; his mind kept returning to the question of the Aristotle File and what it might mean for Chung Kuo .
11 Nor is the subject referred to again until nearly two years later , when he surprised everyone by suddenly disclosing what he had heard at the Council and proposed to carry out fully in future .
12 After about 45 minutes we noticed that the Post Office official , seated in the bucket seat across the fuselage from Dick and me , seemed to have turned a rather sickly white , and he even tried to stand up quickly despite his safety belt .
13 But it was not bashfulness that made her avert her eyes ; it was a deeper , stronger feeling : one that she tried to hide not only from the watchful T'ang , but from herself .
14 They tried to creep in surreptitiously during the singing of the first song .
15 Anyone who tried to set up in between us would find it hard going .
16 Does the Minister accept that those vitally important services that she described depend not only on her own Department , but on the Department of Social Services , on the Department of the Environment in respect of local government , on the Scottish Office and on the Welsh Office ?
17 They now supposed that Marian and Allen must be trying to pass the depression to the south , and if this were so there was still ample time to position themselves to cut off that route although it involved going considerably deeper into the forest and into territory where their own danger was greater .
18 Some like Seronatus and Victorius moved to do so even before 476 .
19 Indeed when our hosts tried to press still more on a woman 's plate and she blurted , ‘ I ca n't — I 'd be sick , ’ they looked quite delighted .
20 When a scuffle broke out , Saville moved to get away out of the way and fell awkwardly . ’
21 His hands sometimes stopped shaking long enough for him to light a fag or give his teeth the once-over with Pepsodent , but that was every other Scumday in a month with a zed in it .
22 The statues came tumbling down all over the Soviet Union .
23 Several weeks ago Victor came crashing down out of a tree and on to his back .
24 The tide was rising : it came filtering gently in through the salt-marsh vegetation , washing up the beach and receding , leaving ribbons of foam along the sand .
25 His glass eye — he had lost the original when he was cleaning a gun — seemed to swivel further out of true than usual and stared pleasantly at the fire ; the real one looked like a razor .
26 There was a thick concrete wall which we were all going to hide behind and we had our helmets on in case any car parts came raining down out of the sky .
27 There was stuff piled up in it till it 'd spilled over on to the pathway .
28 The vast chamber seemed to zoom out all around them .
29 The strange boy 's eyes seemed to penetrate so deeply into Willie 's that he felt sure he could read his thoughts .
30 I mean , if I were to sell my house now supposing somebody came galloping in along before Christmas ooh ooh I want the house on the first of Feb and they 'd come and they 'd see the house and they say yes I want it , want it , want it and it was plain that they were going to want it and we started to talk money , as soon as we 'd got the solid block of money I want one O two you er estate agent tells me I can get ninety seven between ninety five and ninety seven say they offer me ninety six
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