Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pron] at all " in BNC.

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1 And I hardly got to know him at all .
2 Hamnett took the towpath ; insofar as he 'd considered it at all , the old fellow thought he must have returned the other way . ’
3 I did n't want to tell her I 'd done nothing at all so I told a sort of white lie — said I was halfway through the first draft .
4 You must have given the driver some bribe , Edward , I do n't know how he managed to help me at all , he was terrified of being caught . ’
5 Yet a woman who had lost a husband or failed to get one at all , might find herself in genuine distress .
6 In general , to this visiting UK pilot , New Zealand landing and parking charges seemed to be negligible , on those occasions when they bothered to levy them at all .
7 The steep-sided valley of Stroud-Water in Gloucestershire must have presented much the same kind of picture , but Defoe does not attempt any description of it beyond saying that ‘ the clothiers Iye all along the banks of this river for near 20 miles ’ ; and Celia Fiennes passed along the high road over the uplands from Gloucester to Bath and failed to notice it at all .
8 She wondered why he had accepted it at all .
9 At school , the few masters who had noticed him at all had tried vaguely to direct him towards science .
10 Or possibly she had seen nothing at all , and it was pure fantasy .
11 Was I sure I had seen it at all ?
12 For a moment he thought that a sprinkling of light fell wherever Fael-Inis walked , but as it touched the floor it vanished , and he could not be sure that he had seen it at all .
13 Which reminded her that they had done nothing at all about the shooting .
14 Unless you offer positive alternatives you do more harm than if you had done nothing at all .
15 He spent many hours of darkness , sweating lightly in spite or the autumn and early winter cold , wishing some of his replies unsaid , and wishing above all that he had said anything at all after the examiner 's last remark .
16 But the fact that Sarah had said it at all seemed to mean she thought they were very close friends .
17 on the road to Damascus and saved him , but he did , it was a tremendous surprise to the Apostle Paul that the Lord had saved him at all , he never got over it , he called himself the chief of sinners , but God 's grace , God 's mercy had been revealed to him , you and I when we get to heaven are in for a few surprises , the grace , the mercy of God is far broader and wider than our imagination , we 'll meet a lot of folk there that we did n't expect to see that leads me to a fourth proposition , not only will some be saved that we did not expect to be saved , but it 's clear that others will not be saved who expected to be saved there 's a passage in Luke thirteen , verses twenty five , let me read them again one the head of the house gets up and shuts the door you begin to stand outside and knock on the door saying Lord open up to us and then he will answer and say to you I do not know where you 're from , then you 'll begin to say we ate and drank in your presence , you taught in our streets , we know you Lord , we rubbed shoulders with you , we went to church , we experience those things , we knew the answers to the re to the questions but he will say I tell you I did not know where you are from , depart from me all you evil doers those words make it quite clear , here , there 's words of Jesus , there 's references to those who profess , to know the Lord Jesus Christ , but who do not in fact know him at all , they know bits and pieces about him , they 've seen him , you know it 's in its immediate context , they had seen him in the street , they had heard his teaching , there maybe those who had been fed by the , by the miraculous er multiplying of the loafs and the fishes , they had seen the miracle , some of them may have been healed by Jesus , they knew lots about him but they did not know him and he says I do not know you how many folk there are like this , they expect to be saved , perhaps because they go to church , perhaps because they 've got Christian parents , perhaps because they read their bible , perhaps because occasionally when they 're in trouble they prayer , they 've been confirmed , they 've been baptized , that , that they 're good , they 're honest , they 're not rogues , they would n't do a , a , a bad turn to somebody , not deliberately , they 're nice people but they , they do n't know the truth of what it says in God 's word , they do n't know the truth of Romans three and verse twenty because by the works of the Lord no flesh will be justified in his sight for through the law comes the knowledge of sin , does n't come the forgiveness of it , they do n't know the truth of Ephesians chapter two verses eight and nine for by grace you 've been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it 's the gift of God , not as a result of works that no one should boast , for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared before hand that we should walk in them , they do n't know the truth of er , er of Titus , chapter three and , and verse five where , where the apostle Paul says there , he saved us not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness , but according to his mercy , how tragic it is to expect to be saved , to think you 're going to heaven and in the end to find that you 're not saved and Jesus says they 'll be many like that in that day .
18 Surely if that tense moment had affected him at all he would not sound so cool and distant now as he reached for Chalon 's reins .
19 Medieval town planners , as many cities further north bear witness , would have provided a more sensible plan if they had provided one at all .
20 All the villagers had an increasing tendency to address Lydia , if they had to address her at all , in the third person through the medium of Betty and it seemed that Elizabeth too had caught the habit .
21 They claim that this age is far worse than previous ages , and they go on as though they had learned nothing at all from history — and yet history is the great teacher of life ( magistra vitae ) .
22 Until now it had meant nothing at all , but now she really knew what it meant .
23 Neither of them had liked him at all .
24 If he had drunk anything at all , it had left him .
25 He asked if Anna had mentioned anything at all about her attacker that might prove useful to him .
26 And he was never quite sure why he had married her at all . ’
27 What I still could n't understand was why he wanted to see me at all .
28 For a moment she considered saying nothing at all — after all , he had refused to answer her questions .
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