Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pron] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She says a man tried to abduct her in similar circumstances around the time of the murder .
2 I tried to help them in other ways , too .
3 Voluntary organisations took mainly ‘ first offenders ’ and tried to place them in domestic service .
4 So Patsy tried dipping it in cold tea first .
5 At my weekend surgery three pensioners came to see me in considerable distress because of the difficulty that they faced in paying their water and electricity bills and other bills from private utilities following the large price increases .
6 I was fourteen then , I 'd seen her in National Velvet , and had been barmy about her ever since .
7 they 'd got it in right , cos she was showing my how it worked and that , all
8 We met at a luncheon party at the University Club in Montreal and came away together , since we seemed to have something in common and got along well .
9 Whatever it was , he 'd served me with his final invoice and I 'd paid it in full .
10 At the same time , different peoples , sometimes referred to as barbarians , began to establish themselves in different parts of Europe and evolve their own culture , sometimes Christian , sometimes not , but the former was not necessarily more civilised than the latter .
11 It indicates the means whereby a form of Christianity which entirely circumvented the Pauline orthodoxy of Rome began to establish itself in Western Europe .
12 Gabriel took over John Coffin 's neglected cup and began to drink it in anxious little sips .
13 Without any preamble , except the customary offer of a cup of tea which I declined , the Inspector began to take me in painstaking detail through my account of my discovery of Froggy 's body .
14 Most of her guests brought flowers when they came , knowing how she liked them , and how she loved to arrange them in tall glass vases on the kitchen table while people gathered around her , chatting in a tight excited crowd .
15 and I , I went to see her in open evening , I could n't understand her , cos she you know , she real , I mean she is French
16 Britain managed to isolate itself in international fora — such as the 35 Nation Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution convened by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( UN ECE ) — by rejecting the scientific consensus that forest decline was linked to air pollution from industry , power stations and vehicles .
17 The lovely Polish mezzo Stefania Toczyska , who had three arias of her own , as well as joining Carreras in duets from Cavalleria Rusticana , Il Trovatore and Carmen , was also permitted a single encore before she quietly disappeared to leave him in sole charge .
18 He had my note , but he kept putting it in safe places then forgetting where he 'd put it .
19 His employers offered to pay him in full until the 12-month period expired and the High Court granted them an injunction , preventing Mr Henderson from leaving prematurely .
20 But that modern schools struggled to make themselves in various ways as academic as grammar schools did not entail any real equality between the two kinds of school .
21 Minton , perceiving Cornish 's shyness , made him answer most of the questions and listened attentively to his replies , thereby forcing Cornish through the shyness barrier , an experience he ever afterwards felt stood him in good stead .
22 Every morning , Mandru liked to indulge himself in religious spectacle , although the Ixmaritians all doubted whether this was inspired by faith and devotion .
23 It was a weird , time , with white rastas , art-school escapees , old rockers and punk fanzine costermongers coming together to discover that maybe they did have something in common after all .
24 It did n't do him a lot of good in the early er in the early days , but er it did stand him in good stead later of course because he became er er a full-time official o of the er Notts area N U M.
25 The early industrialists were proud of their achievements and liked to have them in full view .
26 The elements may have seemed brutal to the documentary makers ( and some had roughed it in various parts of the world ) but to someone like Hannah who had experienced the winters of 1941 and 1962 that November was child 's play .
27 It is said that he was found out by one of the groups of civilian vigilantes who sprang up spontaneously on 22 December : apparently he had disguised himself in ordinary working clothes and was driving a Dacia 1300 when stopped , but suspicion was aroused when a search of his car revealed citrus fruits , like oranges and pineapples , in the boot — no ordinary Romanian had access to them .
28 Well apparently she said stands her in good stead because
29 The others realised the error at precisely the same moment , and the subsequent racing back along the track towards each other could have been useful in Doctor Zhivago if someone had shot it in slow motion .
30 A witness had seen him in deep water , shouting and waving for help .
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