Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] this " in BNC.

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1 Our Michael tried to steal my gel this morning .
2 Michael tried to steal my gel this morning .
3 Spencer failed to retain his card this year after his debut season on the Volvo European Tour which saw him finish in 178th position in the Order of Merit with winnings of just £7,700 .
4 Er do y it 's er printed , it 's nothing er I enjoyed reading your material this is B B C.
5 He was not amused , although I think his pride was hurt more than anything else , but he did move his chair this time — right back into the second row !
6 Her blonde curls looked as if she had just come from a hairdresser rather than from the hand basin in her own bedroom which was where she had washed her hair this morning .
7 This was her diagnosis after she had pulled his foot this way and that , in a manner that brought Seb out in a sweat and had him groaning in anguish .
8 When Fen had entered her cabin this morning , briefly grasping her shoulder to rouse her , deeply asleep one moment , she was awake in an instant .
9 She had brought her car this time , crossed by ferry and faced the terrors of the Paris ring-road , but she needed her own things with her and this was the only way to do it .
10 She loved him , so much that it seemed impossible that she had lived her life this long without him , impossible that he could n't know it from her response .
11 ‘ Just before you arrived a bloke came on the phone and said he had read my article this morning .
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