Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [verb] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After some of the descriptions she 'd seen tagged on to her own name in newspaper reviews , she could hardly disagree .
2 He 'd had to walk on for quite a bit after that and it was quite late in the day when it occurred to him that the villagers had probably been just having a joke with him and that they would no doubt be feeling anxious by then and starting to worry .
3 I 'd hoped to come on to Prague after that .
4 She 'd tried to hold on to the anger she 'd felt earlier , but it had slipped away from her , dissolving with the wine .
5 ‘ You could have had a hundred casual affairs , and I 'd have adjusted to them somehow and tried to make you fall in love with me , but the thought that you 'd loved someone else and still loved him , because it seemed to have gone on over the years , periodically resumed …
6 Everything seemed to have moved on to a level of fantasy .
7 ‘ Considering you told me that you 'd taken supplies on in Oban and that you managed perfectly well all of yesterday , and that your boat is.probably stiff with tins and even bottles- ’
8 ‘ I 'd managed to hang on to it .
9 ‘ I called last Friday , ’ Fabia mentioned , rescuing her hand from Lubor Ondrus , who appeared to enjoy holding on to it .
10 ‘ Well , he did begin to go on about it being unusual for him to be that side of the bar , but I told him to get on with it . ’
11 As irony would have it , however , an examiner that I did have passed on to Rowse the information that , in the paper on Political Institutions , in which I did badly , I had vigorously attacked Rowse 's pamphlet on ‘ The Question of the House of Lords ’ .
12 Some of the stories will now appear dated , and as the years ticked by a few of his novels did tend to veer on to the wrong side of the far-fetched .
13 A defence agent said Frost and his friends had intended to move on from the lay-by , opposite Invermoriston Post Office , as soon as they got their Giro cheques .
14 Now in January 1979 , as he fled Teheran for the second time in his life , the Shah had intended to fly on to America after just a few day in Egypt .
15 Cannon , 39 , had intended to play on for one more season , but he has a back injury that may require surgery .
16 In the end , the big woman with the cherries in her hat had dragged the now screaming child from his mother 's arms , pulling poor Edith along with her for a few steps until she had dropped sobbing on to the linoleum .
17 They went to Laos , Cambodia , but by the time they had arrived in Katmandu Sharp had decided to head on to London .
18 Hitherto the older waist-band had tended to slip on to the horse 's neck and either throttle him or prevent him from pulling hard ; hence the slower and less efficient ox had been generally used .
19 Of late , though , after his meetings with Eleanor , he had had to go on to his third level of fantasy .
20 His voice was warm velvet , soft , smooth , sliding over her to send her senses reeling , and she had to fight to hang on to her control .
21 The elephant had been leading a procession down the Chandni Chowk but had halted outside Gunthe Wallah 's and had refused to move on towards the Red Fort , despite the frantic proddings of its mahout , until it was first allowed to consume a box of Gunthe Wallah 's best mithai .
22 They had to get back to their dormitories before anyone awoke , but turning round , Endill saw lights had started coming on in the school .
23 McLeish , sitting on the other side of her , huddled on the uncomfortable bench-seating , could smell the faint perfume she wore and thought , with what detachment he could bring to bear , that one of the minor complications of this case was going to be the reactions of every man involved as suspect , colleague or witness , to this beauty he had managed to import on to his staff .
24 Robert wondered how this particular breakaway section of a breakaway section of the Nizari Ismailis had managed to carry on like this in Wimbledon for the last seventy years .
25 Although its voluntary recruits diminished , the order had managed to limp on for nearly two centuries under Ixmarity 's watchful eye .
26 But for all his troubles Stephen , an amiable and gallant king , had managed to hold on to England and it took three strange twists of fortune to transform the situation .
27 By the time he had managed to crawl on to the bed , dragging such scarves as he could find to shield his eyes , for the curtains were only flimsy cotton of a summer rented house , all annoyance , all regret for the wasted day , all intentions , all straining for activity , was gone , absorbed into the panic that connected — as if there was a piston rod — his throbbing head , the lights crossing behind his eyeballs and his churning stomach .
28 Defries , Johannsen , Ace and Daak had managed to climb on to the top of the pod 's nose .
29 He had managed to fight on with worse injuries .
30 Just as he will not tolerate questions about his private life , so he will also go ballistic if bureacrats attempt to meddle in his creative decisions — something which Pierre Berge ( the chairman of Yves Saint Laurent ) found out when he became superintendent of Paris 's opera houses in 1988 and attempted to take Barenboim on over the conductor 's directorship of the new Opera-Bastille .
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