Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 THE NEXT TIME Heathcliff came to Thrushcross Grange , he met Isabella by chance in front of the house .
2 All things considered , it 's hardly surprising that the Czech delegation to ‘ Galleries and Private Collectors ’ , expressed fears about an impending mass sell-off and export of art , and made calls for legislation regarding art and commerce .
3 How to find the money necessary to carry out Amnesty 's work has always been a worry , and from the very beginning the Section Office asked groups for help in this area .
4 In a letter to Archy Kirkwood , MP for Roxburgh and Berwickshire , Sir Hector said that the survey made by Borders NFU , after Government lopped £2.25 per ewe off Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowances , ignored very large compensating increases which had been made to farmers .
5 He laid foundations for Christianity in the city which were to survive the coming of the Barbarians .
6 My eyes became coals of fire in my head , and I believed every moment that I was condemned to perish in the belly of a whale .
7 The Cuban law made provision for compensation with government bonds , redeemable within twenty years with an annual interest rate of 4.5 per cent .
8 She stabbed Ben to death with a pair of dress-making scissors and then tried to kill herself .
9 Ludwig Erhard , who succeeded Adenauer as Chancellor in October 1963 , was an experienced minister , the man held responsible for German economic success since 1949 , deeply committed to the US alliance and who , at 66 , could look forward to a long career as Chancellor — given the record of his predecessor .
10 Publicly-controlled since 1943 , and a loss-maker for much of the period since , it came as little surprise when , Chris Patten , a junior Northern Ireland minister , announced plans for privatisation in 1988 .
11 * Responding to criticism from neighbouring countries , Environment Minister Klaus Töpfer announced plans for legislation under which exporters who dumped waste illegally abroad would be liable to prison terms of up to 10 years .
12 Gilbert was dragged with him , and twisted to rise as Rohmer wiped streaks of blood from his face .
13 Mecdi is even more specific : " [ While teaching at the Sahn ] he became kazasker in place of Hocazade …
14 Sprawled out across it were a rabble of Russian fugitives , whilst ahead a thin dark line of guns crept foot by foot towards the safety of the opposite shore .
15 We posted requests for help to a cross-party selection of 15 MPs .
16 The girl 's death produced reactions of grief in policemen , strangers , politicians , as well as family friends , some of whom offered advice .
17 In the summer of 1962 , in Appropinquante Concilio , Pope John promulgated rules of procedure for the Council ( confirmed with some additional points the following year by Paul VI 's Ordo Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani Secundi ) .
18 With his hands protected by rubber gauntlets , he passed bucket after bucket of soggy glass fibre wool though the trap door into my waiting aching arms .
19 Judge Arbuthnot passed sentence of death by hanging , or exile to the penal colonies in the West Indies , on the men of Prosperous .
20 Herbert Tempest asked readers for information on George Whitbread , a man he lost touch with 40 years ago after they served in the same RAF squadron .
21 Object Design Inc is getting ready to ship ObjectStore 2.0 , claiming that the enhancements made thanks to feedback from the likes of IBM , SunSoft Inc and NeXt Inc raises the benchmark by which all commercial object database products will be judged .
22 Thirty years ago , a national commission chaired by Kenneth Ryan produced guidelines for research on living human fetuses .
23 Kennan met MacArthur for lunch on 1 March ; MacArthur stated that there had previously been only one successful military occupation in history and this had been Julius Caesar 's achievement in the subjugated barbarian provinces .
24 The " marker " price of North Sea Brent crude , which had already risen by 60 per cent in six weeks to $24 per barrel on Aug. 3 , passed $30 per barrel on Aug. 22 , with production down by the 4,000,000 barrels per day of lost Iraqi and Saudi production .
25 Iraq 's Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait caused a dramatic increase in oil prices ; the " marker " price of North Sea Brent crude , which had fallen to $16.60 per barrel on June 5 , rose to $24 per barrel on Aug. 3 and passed $30 per barrel on Aug. 22 .
26 In 1958 the ubiquitous Micky Watson became President in addition to Hon.
27 Lady Braithwaite , Molly 's sister-in-law became President in succession to Kay Evans in 1983 .
28 The poignant melody made him think of soft feminine sighs , warm arms and whispered words of love in the dark of night .
29 The local papers got wind in advance of what was happening and I was petrified that the police would come bursting in to arrest us all .
30 A tailor made programme of training to be run in-house is also under investigation
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