Example sentences of "[coord] does not [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 He , too , is impassioned in his discussion of what does or does n't cut the typographical mustard , and is retained by BP to design its award-winning annual Statistical Review of World Energy .
2 Where the action is for unliquidated damages and the defendant delivers an admission of liability for the claim but disputes or does not admit the amount of the plaintiff 's dam ages , then : ( 1 ) if the defendant offers to pay in satisfaction of the claim a specific sum which the plaintiff accepts , the provisions of this rule shall apply as if the defendant had admitted part of the plaintiff 's claim ; and ( 2 ) in any other case , the plaintiff may apply to the court for such judgment as he may be entitled to upon the admission , and the court may give such judgment , including interlocutory judgment for damages to be assessed and costs , or make such other order on the application as it thinks just .
3 And if he does not pay , or does not pay the full amount , then payments will have to be enforced leaving the lone mother to cope in the meantime ( although for those on income support maintenance can , as now , be signed over to the DSS ) .
4 Section 9 provides that where he can not or does not make the valuation , the contract is avoided .
5 9 – ( 1 ) Where there is an agreement to sell goods on the terms that the price is to be fixed by the valuation of a third party , and he can not or does not make the valuation , the agreement is avoided ; but if the goods or any part of them have been delivered to and appropriated by the buyer he must pay a reasonable price for them .
6 When we are dealing with the structure plan for which there is no local plan in force , we have a new problem which is that , owing to the diagrammatic nature of the plans , no one will be able to say with certainty that this does or does not affect the claimant 's property , but that nevertheless , because of that very uncertainty , a wider number of properties may be affected .
7 An applicant for judicial review may lose the case no matter how sound it might be as a matter of substantive ( as opposed to remedial ) law if , for example , he or she pursues the wrong procedure for seeking a remedy or does not satisfy the rules of standing ( see Chapter 3 ) .
8 Whether nature does or does not do the same thing is always tantalising , and sometimes revealing about the principles and mechanisms underlying the creation of structures .
9 Launching into the logical approach when someone has not had time or does not have the information to assess your credibility is unwise .
10 Those who argue about this ( about how much should be spent on Arts faculties in universities , for example ) tend to debate whether it does or does not help the economy , help people to do various jobs , and so forth .
11 But unless one is blind , or does not know the language , surely one would not be likely to ask what it means to say that something is white ?
12 Coppicing is sustainable and does n't threaten the environment .
13 For although Piper 's manager Frank Warren thinks Benn believes he has made a big mistake in selecting Piper as a first challenger and does n't fancy the job , I suspect the opposite is true — he may think it is going to be too easy .
14 ‘ Why should n't people have an activity or hobby which causes no harm to anyone , and does n't hurt the fish , ’ says Mr Houghton .
15 Attempts to introduce information technology , which sometimes ‘ distorts the problem and does n't fit the solution ’ , failure to train management adequately for new challenges and promotion of export markets without addressing question of product quality , will only exacerbate Hungary 's predicament , not resolve it .
16 She is , of course , renowned for her critical essays punctuated with cusses on the male of the species and does n't spare the blushes or the punches when exposing them to ridicule .
17 ‘ I think that anybody who sits around and does n't make the investment has got big problems coming in the future .
18 The error message merely means the printer has received too much data and does n't want the computer to send any more across .
19 He 's a chef and does n't want the younger children to get to his knives .
20 Each new baby born has an approximately equal probability of inheriting maleness or femaleness , but any one baby inherits only one of these , and does n't combine the two .
21 ‘ Academics get on by publishing papers and TCS by it 's very nature is n't research ; it 's technology transfer and does n't give the same opportunity for publishing …
22 ‘ Academics get on by publishing papers and TCS by it 's very nature is n't research ; it 's technology transfer and does n't give the same opportunity for publishing …
23 He 's reduced the amount of water in his lavatory system and does n't let the tap run for so long when developing photographs in his darkroom at home .
24 But it is carefully made by Chris Thomson , and does n't destroy the Fifties charm of Criena Rohan 's book .
25 Technically , if you hand someone a joint you 're supplying , but it means a lot of work for them and does n't catch the people who are the big fish .
26 Their sort of sport harms nobody , adds colour to the scene , and does n't fill the air with noise , tearing the peace and tranquillity apart as water-skiing does .
27 The adventurers might have to find some information in Castle Drachenfels to enable them to track down the location of Ghal-Maraz , or they might have to ensure that the Great Enchanter remains safely dead and does n't enter the fray .
28 Mario and Yoshi may please puzzle addicts , but offers nothing new and does n't push the NES 's capabilities in the slightest .
29 The Government trumpet the £140 reduction , but the reduction given to those on income support is inadequate and does not match the needs of those in receipt of that money .
30 It is because Gunn does not impose his views on the reader and does not demand the reader 's pity that his poems arouse such sentiment .
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