Example sentences of "[coord] think [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Markey went even further ; instead of stopping the searchers in their tracks , she had the subjects talk or think aloud throughout the search .
2 Some people who comply well with all that is suggested to them may have done little more than comply ( incidentally , much of the " normal " first year of recovery is reckoned to be little more than compliance ) and think erroneously after a few weeks of treatment that they have learnt all they need to know and have done all they need to do to remain free from addictive disease .
3 If I may broaden it away from erm the Cardinal Newman School and think probably of a lot of East Sussex Comprehensive Schools , I think we have all been , in the schools , in the last few years , working hard to establish this openness , and I think that the closed concept of the school , the school that locks children out at break or locks children out at dinner time , which only allows parents to come in for a phoney Open Day when there are a few children there , they are things largely , I think , of the past and they are the closed society .
4 Think and think again of the number of different rooms , the multitude of different beds , the mirrors , the endless dark stairways , the duplicated obscenities , the handfuls of folded pound notes , the sordid exchanges in doorways or park benches , the varied postures of so many unclean and degraded females spreadeagling themselves for lucre , the bodily smells , the cheap perfumes , the wasted seed , the anxieties about disease , the fears of recognition and the intolerable pressure of guilt that would inevitably descend like a black mantle over even the most vulgar and sensual head .
5 I lived outside myself , trying to forget the shin , and think only of the post office at Reggane .
6 Romeo is a good choice , and there are many speeches to look over and consider , but think also about the not so familiar young lover Troilus ; Bassanio , Lorenzo and Graziano , from the Merchant of Venice all make good choices too .
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