Example sentences of "[coord] our [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Well , we 'd played with Kel Nagle , Peter 's best pal , and our opponents in the Canada Cup in Portmarnock had been a certain Arnold Palmer and Sam Snead .
2 Skiing grew in popularity and our footsteps in the high street were muffled by the so-called moon boot , with its futuristic fastenings .
3 Chairman I was delighted to hear Mr and our members with the comments , it was not just an officer from , the members ' comments as well , and I hope we can work together in fulfilling these promises , what are the most important roads ?
4 We need to improve the ways in which you are involved in N C V O's work , thus giving legitimacy to voice , and empowering N C V O and our members in the causes that we all care about .
5 Such a state is clearly closely allied to the mania of the manic-depressive ( indeed , this quotation is from an autobiographical account by someone who was predominantly manic-depressive ) , and our researches into the cultural background of these modern psychopathological conditions allow us to see why this is so .
6 I wanted to include his doctors and nurses at both hospitals in which he had been a patient , and our friends in the residential home .
7 We talked of toxic wastes ; the possibility of there ever being true democracy in Tonga ( ‘ on paper the place is ripe for revolution , it is true , and our friends in the other islands are experiencing troubled times , so we must be wary ’ ) ; the complaints about corruption among the Tongan nobility , the curious business arrangements engineered between members of the royal family and the dubious Americans who were forever fetching up at the palace doorstep wishing to bend a royal ear to this scheme or that , with wealth and fame for all ; and the most surprising news : his decision to demolish the royal palace .
8 The primary purpose of our defence policy is , therefore , that it should protect us , our allies , and our friends against the whole spectrum of possible aggression and military threats , from small local action which might be the beginning of larger and more dangerous adventures through ‘ nuclear blackmail ’ to nuclear war .
9 Thank you very much Mr President and as you 've been friendly enough to invite me and given me such a friendly welcome , I , I thought I ought to risk speaking to you as candidly as I can about what is going on in our country and our communities at the moment and whether by the end of the thing I continue your friend is another matter .
10 We really needed her and were anxious to present ourselves and our properties in the best possible light .
11 We would be reneging on our total commitment and our obligations to the Anglo-Irish agreement .
12 And our ideas about the energy crisis also seem to have been borne out — with enough new oil reserves discovered to allay fears of imminent exhaustion and with the nuclear energy debate becoming more and more an ideological issue .
13 17.20 : Join Class Teacher and parent in meeting and discuss child 's progress so far and our hopes for the future .
14 It is the pressures of the people of South Africa and our supporters around the world who will compel the regime to negotiate real and fundamental change .
15 And our thanks to the readers who have given us their continuing support .
16 Our own competition is ended : our congratulations to the winners , and our thanks to the judges and to the many entrants , who produced some excellent ideas and criticisms .
17 ‘ And so we express our deep sympathy to Jane and our thanks for the life of Nigel , a life we shall miss very much .
18 Off we went and the sun shone out and the waves danced and sparkled and our spirits with the sport of the waters .
19 The way to deal with the international support system at the moment is to reduce it right across the board — for all support systems to be reduced at a speed which farmers can bear and which bears on different types of farmers equally , both within the Community and as between the Community and our competitors in the United States .
20 Neither approach by itself is adequate to take account of the complexities involved in meeting the needs of our children and our schools at the present time .
21 Well a little more , in future ask travels for the earliest make changes and deal with the future and again this is remarkable that only sixty five per cent absolutely endorse that but our potentials in the , if you look at the next examples , forty four we are told here were in favour of the strategy and thirty six per cent opposed .
22 I have turned it on and it is doing its little best but our guests from the south are obviously
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