Example sentences of "[coord] may [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If so , chances are you have a serious drinking problem , or may have one in the future .
2 Someone may grab your collar with both hands in order to head-butt you in the face , or may seize you by the hair to punch you .
3 Acute , function-related pain is primarily sensory or peripheral , and may lend itself to treatment with analgesics directed to the involved organ .
4 Unless they can be guaranteed a post , they will consider alternatives at a time when they probably need to be free of distractions from their studies and may commit themselves to another job unnecessarily .
5 All persons privy to confidential , and particularly price-sensitive , information concerning an offer or proposed offer must treat that information as secret and may pass it to another person only if it is necessary to do so and the other person is made aware of the need for secrecy .
6 Mrs Wood is pleased to see the back of the children 's father , and may denigrate him in conversation with or overheard by John ( possible inference from lines 21 and 22 ) .
7 This will make them less decisive and may inhibit them from giving orders or taking charge of the situation .
8 They may feel New York for the first time because its fast-dealing busyness is something the screen does n't catch and may smell it for the first time if they come in high summer but one of the great first sights of the world is gone for ever .
9 The public good defence for performances which were proved to be ‘ in the interests of drama , opera , ballet or any other art , or of literature or learning ’ omitted the words ‘ or other objects of general concern ’ , thereby rejecting the so-called ‘ therapeutic defence ’ according to which pornography was claimed to be ‘ psychologically beneficial ’ to some persons ‘ in that it relieves their sexual tensions and may divert them from anti-social activities ’ .
10 It must be made clear to students that they retain their Compact entitlements and may redeem them for employment within Compact companies whenever they leave education , whether at 16+ , 18+ or after higher education .
11 If we fail to help these children now they will not be able to contribute to the social economic wellbeing of the nation and may cost us in time more social and financial in , in , in the future , so it 's good investment , we 're friendly with them , we , we do sympathize them but it 's only common sense and good investment that we fully recompense that the to the level it should n't be er by the Home Office that is to replace fifteen percent o of seventy five , I think seventy of .
12 They identify people who need counselling help and may refer them to the priest or minister ; they recognize their own rituals as important aids to grieving .
13 a doctor who will give advice and treatment and may refer you to a specialist drug-abuse centre for help ;
14 The capital standards , negotiated through the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) , are a natural scapegoat for the credit squeeze that is deepening the recessions in Britain and America and may provoke one in Japan .
15 Service firms produce service products , but manufacturing firms also produce them and may sell them in connection with their goods .
16 Hence , these regulations penalise those unemployed who use successful , but the least observable , job search strategies and may discourage them from using those strategies .
17 Others will have more than one " drug or behaviour of choice " and may find themselves to be significantly cross-addicted to many others .
18 Often perches on posts and other prominent lookouts ; bobs , waggles head , and may turn it through 180 when curious or suspicious .
19 Certainly Venus protects your interests while the planetary storm rages mid-month and may provide you with a real romantic or financial fillip .
20 Most rucksacks have quick release buckles , at least on the profile straps which secure the top to the body of the pack , and may have them on waist straps .
21 And father we pray that our hope may not be in vain but may lead us to sharing again in your kingdom .
22 Meanwhile , Unix System Labs , which has a good server story but may lack something on the desktop end like applications , is reportedly trying to get Quorum interested in Destiny .
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