Example sentences of "[coord] also [subord] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So the section provides : Where land or any heritable interest therein has become partnership property , it shall , unless the contrary intention appears , be treated as between the partners ( including the representatives of a deceased partner ) and also as between the heirs of a deceased partner and his executors or administrators , as personal or moveable and not real or heritable property .
2 In truth it does not denote any single right , but rather refers to a disparate group of immunities , which differ in nature , origin , incidence and importance , and also as to the extent to which they have already been encroached upon by statute .
3 Of course , there is a small increase in speed as the climb gets steeper , both because the glider is starting to ascend the arc of a circle and also because of the effects of the wind gradient .
4 The accuracy of all early mechanical clocks was low , because the foliot and wheel had no natural periods of their own and also because of the effects of friction .
5 Further , the law requires that the consent be informed , and whatever that may mean , it certainly raises questions about whether the transsexual is fully able to comprehend the implications of surgery , both because of the uncertainty always contingent upon such an operation , and also because of the supervening anxiety which operates to play down , at least before surgery , any consequences which may be inconvenient .
6 owing to its early introduction in 1920 and also because of the substantial extension of its rights in 1952 and 1972 it was able to evolve into the virtual bargaining monopolist on the employees ' side at the plant level , to the extent of being considered by unions as the proper bargaining agent at that level , much more so than in other countries .
7 Other economic benefits of migrant labour include the recruitment of migrants to particular jobs at lower wages than indigenous workers , partly because job titles and grades could be invented to cover up the fact that job content remained the same , and also because of the threat of repatriation and other forms of intimidation ; the enhanced possibilities for the introduction of shiftwork and piece-work , deskilling , and the slower introduction of safety measures ; the avoidance of national insurance payments by the recruitment of illegal migrants ; and the ability to shed and recruit with relative ease , thus avoiding the costs of labour hoarding ( Paine , 1977 ; Fevre , 1983 ) .
8 However , it is still common to see exchange rates expressed in terms of the dollar , partly because this had long been the accepted practice under the adjustable peg , and also because of the USA 's continuing dominance in the world economy and financial system .
9 However in R. v. Samuel ( C.A. 1988 ) , the theft of £300 from a Building Society was considered a serious arrestable offence , both because of the use of a sawn-off shot gun in the raid and also because of the accused 's intention to cause serious financial loss to the Building Society .
10 And to show you what the situation is er the world 's energy demand is very likely i i i is almost certain to increase er because of development in the world and also because of the growing population er that arrow is some sort of guess as to how the world er the demand for energy worldwide is likely to increase when you set that against the curves at the bottom which show the likely projections for oil and natural gas as you can see as we get into the next century those er fossil fuels , which we 've been using with gay abandon for many decades , will start to into er decline .
11 Such acrimony has often been exacerbated , moreover , because of the tendency since the 1974 reorganization for authorities ‘ to view the relationship between the tiers as an adversary one ’ ( Alexander , 1982a , p. 65 ) ; and also because of the problem of ‘ competing mandates ’ ( Alexander , 1982b , p. 54 ) where authorities at different levels in an area pursuing different policies ( and often controlled by different parties ) both claim to be acting in the local interest .
12 Barnacles were a fit subject for Darwin to work on , as he did for many years , because of their curious metamorphosis ; and also because of the way in which males have regressed to become merely vestigial in some species .
13 ‘ Because of the present state of the economy and also because of the seasonal nature of the main businesses , with the large majority of profits usually earned in the second half , it is too early to form a clear view of the outcome for the year , ’ the group added .
14 Unemployment had risen partly because of the demobilization of large numbers of soldiers following the Vietnamese withdrawal from Cambodia in 1989 , and also because of the return of workers from eastern Europe .
15 He held that , on the assumption that the transfer to the Hammonds was a forgery , the court would have power under section 82(1) of the Land Registration Act 1925 to rectify the register not only as against the Hammonds but also as against the building society .
16 I would therefore advise against taking any kind of drugs , not just because it is unsporting , or because of the threat of severe penalties on discovery , but also because of the adverse effects any drug regime has on the mind and body .
17 Studies on the Monach Isles National Nature Reserve suggest that salt-laden winds affect taller plants most , so that exposed coastal plant communities tend to consist mainly of low-growth plant forms — not just because of the stunting effect of the wind — but also because of the salt it carries ( Randall 1973 ) .
18 The experience as far as I could gather never disappoints : because of its own unique qualities , but also because of the attention we all pay it .
19 Though transsexuals are a rare phenomenon , much attention has been focused on them , not only because of the difficulties encountered in treating them , but also because of the insight a study of their condition may offer into the wider problems of sex determination and gender identity .
20 The growth of out-of-town retailing has been a particularly contentious issue in the past ten years , not only for its potentially adverse effects on urban shopping centres but also because of the resulting development pressures on fringe and green field sites .
21 Liverpool seems unique , not simply because of the scale of its problems but also because of the consistent pattern of political conflict that has characterized so much of what has happened in the city and in its relations with central government .
22 This is not only because of the risks to the health of the attempters and the distress to families and friends , but also because of the implications for the health services in terms of use of limited resources .
23 Recognition of the need to invest in both types of research has been slow to materialise possibly because other pressures tended to shut it out , but also because of the remarkably esoteric image which University research workers have given themselves .
24 The last quarter of the nineteenth century was a tremendous time in British deaf history , not just because of the events that took place and the deeds that were done , but also because of the men of remarkable ability and calibre who were to be giants amongst deaf , and hearing , people .
25 There were , of course , many participants in this discussion , but Bukharin and Preobrazhensky stand out not only for the number of contributions they made but also because of the quality of these interventions .
26 This may be due to financial restrictions on travel but also because of the prevalence today of nationwide state societies in even ‘ primitive ’ areas so that one can no longer study ‘ simple ’ societies in isolation .
27 Whenever possible provision should be made for relocating or retraining dismissed staff , not only because of the personal benefits to those involved , but also because of the effects on the remaining staff 's morale .
28 Bishop Harris arrived with a willingness to listen , but also because of the nature of his office , to teach with humility , the authentic message of the Gospel and the teaching of the Church in our day .
29 The 1989 NHS Reforms were greeted with great hostility by much of the medical profession , partly because they were seen as part of possible moves towards dismantling the NHS , but also because of the changed emphasis brought about by the consideration of terms such as : ‘ efficiency ’ , ‘ internal market ’ , and ‘ payment by results ’ in areas where the role of the market had previously been much less prominent .
30 Britain was something of an exception , however , not only because of the slow development of the large corporation and mass-production techniques , but also because of the effects of a long-established , powerful and horizontally-structured trade union movement which opposed such firm-specific practices and internal labour market systems .
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