Example sentences of "[coord] then [pers pn] just [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We ca n't really say we saw something suspicious , so we climbed in the back window , and then we just thought we 'd have a dinner-party while we were here .
2 Like , me and Emma last night , honestly the first , about five minutes , like we were all , both going mm , yeah , er , ah , and then we just thought oh fuck this for an idea !
3 ‘ We have discussed our marriage many times over the last four or five years and then we just sat down and put everything into perspective .
4 And then they just had the bikes and cars to fight over .
5 I was told to sign three cards and then they just dumped this bag on the counter , and I could see the rope inside .
6 No they cut the skin and then they just pulled it apart
7 No they cut the skin and then they just pulled it apart .
8 And then she just died … oh , is n't it too awful ? ’
9 They were saying about they keep asking her because she could be like page three models in the newspaper , she was like very even this really and then she just said I keep on going toilet and she 'd , she 'd then puke up in the toilet and she 'd come back and there were all these bite marks so her parents could see when she was doing it .
10 But erm , she used to take one in coffee and nothing in suga , I mean in tea , I think , and then she just gave it up , and she said it , she hated it for ages , and then one day she she tasted , she drank my father 's and she said it was absolutely foul
11 until she got onto that crossbar and then she just flew straight back and did exactly the same thing all over again and I just thought sod it !
12 oh yeah then he got worse and worse , he got worse and worse , he got worse and worse and then he just disappeared
13 And he was just wandering round and then he just went bleugh and bombed in the garden
14 He started playing with my hair and then he just got worse .
15 ‘ Thom called to say he 'd be a day late , and then he just hung up . ’
16 As soon as he got out and about he was going round the house looking for you and then he just stood at the bottom of the stairs and banged until I took him upstairs and he could have a look round up there and then he realized you were n't there
17 And then you just got another pair and you put another pair like that until you had five .
18 Yeah you just came out the loo and then you just said Amy .
19 What , well , we had a very large sitting dining room where we put er our dining room furniture at one end and as , the sitting room furniture at the other , it was very large actually , a Nissan hut does n't look very big , but it is quite big and we had one large bedroom where we got all our furniture in there and then there was er a kitchen , and there was an Elsan lavatory in the garden which er you had to go outside for that , and er , we bought a full length galvanized bath like an ordinary bath upstairs and there was a boiler in the kitchen so we used to light the fire of the boiler , fill the boiler with water from the tap , we had a , oh we had all sorts of er innovations that made life easy as could be in the circumstances , we had er hose pipe from the kitchen sink into the bathroom , we managed to get about three baths a week , cos it , it was a terrible fag , but we did , and then you just emptied the bath out and out in the drain outside you know .
20 On either side , and then you just looked and shoved that out and then on you went .
21 Erm , and then I just thought I 'd finally conclude a bright , cos I think it , it 's like how I see myself at work , erm with showing you where our work comes from erm and basically you 've got all these arrows coming in and er sometimes you do have a sense of feeling quite bombarded with requests for work , but the main , I mean the main formal source of our work is the local government sub committee , which is erm , like Mary was referring to earlier , every department or unit in our in the Council have to formally report and get it 's work through by a Council committee , our committee is the local government sub committee and it formally sets our work programme once a year , and I our priorities , it also comes up with other things it would like us to do by the way , during the course of the year , so erm , that includes Mary as well . .
22 Well I , I thought it was the peanut butter you see , and then I just thought what you said last night .
23 I had about two mouthfuls and then I just thought , no , I 'm going home .
24 It was n't a very full list cos erm er it did n't occur to me until about seven o'clock this evening that I had to go out quite soon and then I just ran around frantically doing things .
25 I signed myself in and then I just went .
26 Well I could n't see anything , er because there was a lot of cloud , and then I just heard this sort of bang , and then it was just silent .
27 I was a chargehand and then I just drifted into being a Redcoat , and getting up and doing five minutes on stage and enjoying it .
28 For maybe 30 , 35 minutes I tried that and then I just felt it slowing .
29 I just , I just felt that it was the cream the other night , and then I just felt oh , you
30 And then I just stopped .
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