Example sentences of "[coord] can only be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Buildings — and not just historic ones — represent energy , labour and materials , which either can not be replaced or can only be replaced at enormous cost .
2 To present such fantasy in your article as though it were fact is unworthy of your newspaper and can only be regarded as malicious mischief-making .
3 Like copepods , these 3–4mm brownish worms thrive in overfed aquaria , and can only be eradicated by syphoning them out at every opportunity , which may take months .
4 Hitting some of the soft spots in certain ways can cause really serious injury and can only be justified in extreme circumstances .
5 The struggle to end capitalist wage labour can not be helped by women opting out and can only be undertaken by a working class that is less divided by male domination than the present one .
6 Dating a rug from its weave and design requires extensive specialist knowledge and can only be undertaken by an expert .
7 Stenopus hispidus sometimes called the Boxing Shrimp , is far more aggressive towards its own kind and can only be kept as a single specimen or a matched pair .
8 Claiming that the landscape was created by farmers and can only be maintained by farming , she added : ‘ Our policies for agricultural support and the environment need to work together , to the mutual benefit of our farming industry and of our countryside . ’
9 Usually it is covert and can only be diagnosed by specifically measuring blood lipids .
10 He used these to preach that kings are made , and can only be unmade , by God , to whom solely they are responsible ; that sedition is opposed no less to God than to the king ; that it is a sin not merely to speak evil of the king but even to think evil of him .
11 On the contrary , it must be clear , a priori that in an antagonistic society , a society based on productive and social anarchy , there can not be an uninterrupted development of the forces , for in such a society the laws of equilibrium are and can only be realized by means of continual or recurrent disruptions of the equilibrium .
12 These possibilities exist because some of the meanings which human beings find in experience depend on symbols and can only be given symbolic expression .
13 Sometimes they may spread to involve the terminal urethra , and can only be seen if the urethral meatus is parted .
14 The larval stages occur in the gastric glands and can only be seen microscopically following processing of the gastric mucosa .
15 The bulk of this type of enclosure was carried out by formal acts of parliament , but there was much private enclosure , mo.st of which is unrecorded and can only be dated by contemporary maps .
16 Updates to modules and module ranges are achieved by using option 3.5.0 , Relate Modules to SPR , and can only be peformed by the current holder .
17 When it is demolished it is lost for good and can only be duplicated at considerable expense .
18 Suppose , next , that a catastrophe , which will wipe out life on this planet , threatens , and can only be prevented by an expenditure the same as would be needed for that capsule for the slug .
19 It requires a good water starting and carve gybing ability and can only be sailed in a consistent Force 3/4+ .
20 The subject of tax reform is a topic in its own right and can only be touched upon here .
21 These activities are essential to the maintenance of high quality medical services and can only be sustained if there is a large throughput of patients .
22 This cover is not available on its own and can only be granted when cover for Sudden and Unforeseen Damage/Accidental Damage also applies .
23 Moreover , the system of land tenure , wherein the land belongs to the indigenous Fijians and can only be leased to Indo-Fijians ( the descendants of indentured cane workers who were drafted in from India in the early colonial period ) militates against conservation measures because it ensures the political dominance of the former ; and the encouragement of production ensures that such land is seen to be in use , an artefact to maintain internal stability .
24 It can not be unlocked , and can only be damaged by magical weapons or spells ( T 6 , D 24 due to powerful enchantments ) .
25 Though consent , if valid , has normative consequences , and can only be explained through its purported normative consequences , it does not bear its normativeness on its face .
26 They are to be contrasted with empty words , that is structural words , — those that belong to closed systems and can only be explained in terms of their uses in sentences .
27 It has a tendency to lose its shape and can only be spun into relatively thick strands .
28 Remember that cases which have apparently recovered , can remain as carriers for a considerable time and can only be detected by laboratory isolation from nasal swabs .
29 None of their currencies are convertible , which means that Polish zloty or Hungarian florints have no value outside their country and can only be exchanged in their country , unlike sterling and dollars .
30 The wave , like the mele , like all music , like the text , is a mental event , since it is never wholly present in any one instant and can only be grasped as a formal pattern existing through time .
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