Example sentences of "[coord] would have [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 This penal arrangement came into effect from 2 June and would have cost the clearing banks about £150,000 per week as a result of the lost interest .
2 If Sabesp fails to get its fifth study approved by the end of August it will lose US$110 million in World Bank funding and would have to abandon the project .
3 Brooking J. , on the other hand , at pp. 526–527 , accepted Attorney-General 's Reference ( No. 2 of 1982 ) and would have upheld the conviction , even assuming that Morris should be followed .
4 The proposal to abolish corporal punishment as a judicial penalty was approved , although the minutes record the Lord Chancellor , Lord Jowitt , as saying that he was still of the opinion that it would be unwise to abolish the powers of courts to pass sentences of corporal punishment , and would have favoured the retention of the use of the birch .
5 You would be allowed only one , and would have to destroy the envelopes you did n't select .
6 The official report states : ‘ To have forced his way into Benghazi when the enemy was obviously ready for him would have achieved nothing and would have involved the loss of his force . ’
7 These bronze fastenings protrude through the keel and would have secured the main station frames of the hull .
8 I hoped that the hon. Member would be aware of the changes in fashion with which our footwear industry has had to deal and would have noticed the internationally competitive conditions in which it has had to operate .
9 Nobody thought trade could be carried on in India without a network of factories and fortifications , which meant that there would have to be a company with a charter to run them — the idea that the government might provide them would have struck the merchants as inappropriate and would have alarmed the politicians who would have had to impose taxes to pay for them .
10 It is the most important single achievement of the BDDA , and would have filled the founder members , given foresight , with pride and satisfaction .
11 The plain cream silk was a fairly easy choice for the background of the picture , as the introduction of another colour would have been too confusing and would have spoilt the balance of the picture .
12 The Saxons were fighting the Slavs as ancestral enemies and so were an excellent choice ; furthermore they were increasingly absorbed into Charles ' system of government , and would have to guard the borders upon his departure .
13 Sure you know it 's , it 's a high fence but we could try to jump in and would have done the other , the farmer came with a stick and er he Useful know , no
14 StorageTek says that it too had put some money up for the development and would have marketed the product even without buying the company — although the Viking was seen as a direct competitor to its own Iceberg , Viking is in fact a simpler device with fewer features .
15 I would have been its curator , and would have had the top floor to myself ’ .
16 The women in the ranks were generally accustomed to hard manual labour with scythes and ploughs and would have had the physical strength and tenacity to wield weapons .
17 I always wondered where the money for dean came from , we should have held onto chapman , strenghten our back four , and would have had the money to hold onto Batty .
18 Other cottagers the teacher from Glasgow visited gave him a proof of their kindness ; they presented him with a large basin of milk : he took a drink of it , and would have left the remainder , but they signalled to him to drink it all , and the old man stood opposite the door to prevent his getting away till he was obliged , in answer to Gaelic gesticulations , to drink all the milk that was in the basin .
19 Moeri 's original procedure , of adding the chemicals to the second vat , would however have taken only a few minutes and would have left the reaction in no condition to explode .
20 In their earlier period , those who preferred the inevitability of gradualness blamed him — as they did Marx — for the inadequacy of an economic theory which stopped at Ricardo ; and for proposing an instant change to a national and co-operative structure for industry which would , they considered , in the event have failed to abolish competition and Capitalism , and would have left the class structure of society unchanged except perhaps in detail .
21 This well known fact was somehow never discussed in public by the girls , for public admission of it would have destroyed and inhibited its oddly private thrill , and would have shamed the vain ones into cowering in their cubicles , as the timid and modest already did .
22 If you have some experience and would have expected the remedy to work then put a pencil dot or mark on the bottle .
23 This would have meant extra guards were needed on the camps , and would have forced the British soliders to use force .
24 He had been chief engineer to the Central Electricity Board , and would have preferred the division of duties to have left the control of generation and transmission to the ex-CEB engineers and himself .
25 Had a case of a claim by a child for damages for pre-natal injury come before the English courts in the period from 1972 to the enactment of the Act of 1976 , and had it been as well argued as the present cases have been in this court , I have no doubt that the English court would have been referred to Watt v. Rama [ 1972 ] V.R. 353 and Duval v. Seguin , 26 D.L.R. ( 3d ) 418 and would have preferred the views there expressed to Walker v. Great Northern Railway .
26 US President George Bush on July 31 , 1989 , vetoed a bill passed by Congress which would have set restrictions on the joint development of the FSX fighter , Japan 's next generation of attack aircraft [ see p. 36619 ; 36651 ] , on the grounds that joint development would have enabled the Japanese to overtake US technological superiority in aerospace and would have provided the means whereby Japan could develop its own commercial aircraft .
27 The loyal few who paid full price at the turnstiles deserved better , but the real losers were Sheffield Eagles , who wanted a tour game and would have used the opportunity much more imaginatively .
28 It also claimed that the revenue generated from the industry had provided Nauru with " the highest per capita income in the world and would have allowed the Nauruan government to rehabilitate the mined areas if it so wished . "
29 Salter would not be cooperative and would have passed the word down the line : Do n't be over-eager to help the bastards in TAS .
30 Conventional economic analysis would have pointed to the opposite policy , but would have ignored the human factor in making a complete system work .
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