Example sentences of "[coord] they [det] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All five bedrooms are on ground-floor level with private bathrooms and colour TV and they all overlook the garden .
2 And they all make a bee-line for the famous phone box , calling whatever part of the world they come from , no matter what the time difference is . ’
3 But it was local craftsmen who built the cloisters and they all get a mention on the windows .
4 And then , off you go and make them ready and when you get out onto the heath you just , the horses what 's galloping together , you 've all been weighed out and then who 's riding them and they all take the sheets off and they er straightaway .
5 and they all take the piss out of her
6 and they all like the fruit one best
7 They are all empirical , qualitative , aesthetic , concrete activities , and they all have a rich vocabulary and indeed literature .
8 And they all have a life expectance of at least 50 years .
9 He calms the whole student audience by concluding , ‘ In my opinion you have coined the great motto of our time : ‘ Make Love , Not War ’ , ’ and they all give the peace sign .
10 What does stand out is that everyone believes that the profession , its standards and its aims , matter , and they all feel an excitement about the job of acting .
11 ‘ But I do believe there is some common ground : the parties who would be talking all reject violence ; they all support devolution in some form , on a basis which involves both sides of the commmunity ; and they all acknowledge the importance of the relationship between Northern Ireland and the Republic . ’
12 They all take issue , in a variety of different ways , with the classic theory of tragedy propounded in Aristotle 's Poetics ; They all , in the wake of Herder , make some attempt to relate the achievements of the Greek tragedians to the religious or social facts of Greek life ; and they all consider the dramas of Aeschylus , Sophocles and Euripides to form one of the summits of world literature .
13 ‘ Apparently she 's seen plenty of specialists and they all say the same thing — she 's blind because she refuses to see . ’
14 If you were the mum and you brought these pizzas in and there was four people sitting there when you 've got six pizzas and they all want the same size .
15 These ashes , in their small portions , were accompanied by the death certificates of distinct individuals ; but ashes are just ashes , and they all look the same , and they went straight into the pot of the Hartheim incinerator .
16 And they all agree the priority must be a top quality midfield player if the Gunners are to rescue a season which has gone disastrously wrong since being hammered 3-0 by champions Leeds in November .
17 These have maximum ranges of 2000 km and 4100 km respectively , and they each carry a single warhead with a yield of one megaton ( equivalent to a million tonnes of TNT ) .
18 And of course , although they have a legal sovereignty as I 've mentioned , and they each have a place on the General Assembly and the General Assembly of the United Nations , there are enormous differences between the resources which are available erm for different states and their capacity to act .
19 The two shocks have identical effects : they both leave prices in period t + 1 unaffected and they both induce a difference between prices in period t and t + 1 which can be responded to by increasing output in accordance with equation ( 5.1 ) .
20 I 've got round it with a couple of amplifiers that I 've built myself ; they 're very reliable and they both sound the same .
21 And they both think the world of Heather .
22 And they both acknowledge the inevitability of a residuum of unpredictability .
23 And they both have the one man 's name I really ca n't stand .
24 Different clinics use differently designed weight charts but they all show the percentage of boys and girls who are at a particular height and weight at each age ( Tanner and Whitehouse 1975 ) .
25 IBM has announced the Workstation One family of programs that give personal computers and workstations running OS/2 2.0 , AIX Unix , Microsoft Corp Windows or Apple Computer Macintosh system access to applications on IBM mainframes and Digital Equipment Corp minis — but they all require a server between the desktop machine and the host , with the minimum server being an 80386 machine .
26 But they all count the same .
27 ‘ The first week or 10 days is a critical time , but they all have a good chance of survival .
28 Again , attempts have been made to classify purrs into different types , but they all carry the same basic message of friendliness .
29 But they all share a common interest in self-reflection .
30 I hired a lovely secretary called Cats to help me cope with the mail , thinking at first of compiling a form letter , but they all merit a personal reply , so from 10 a.m. between shows until 10 p.m .
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