Example sentences of "[coord] from time to time " in BNC.

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31 And from time to time , there 's acid available .
32 He ensures that they get to the best conferences and from time to time will organize his own , bringing in the best speakers .
33 By the end of a week she was little more than a living skeleton : her hand lay all day long in Jennifer 's , and from time to time she would open her eyes , staring pathetically up , with a mute pleading in her expression that no words of comfort or whispered prayers could dispel .
34 The whole area of classification is one which is regularly the subject of Market Research Society working parties , and from time to time provokes a rash of articles in the technical press , but at the time of writing there is little sign of any real breakthrough to a new and better system .
35 The libretto was regarded at the radio as something of a masterpiece of translation and from time to time suitable composers had been sought .
36 These practices , they further note , ‘ varied not only from region to region and from time to time but also from social class to social class , so that their impact on field systems and rural settlement patterns is complex and not easy to determine . ’
37 The Kirgiz-Kaisaks ( Kazakhs ) , roaming in areas claimed by both sides , were in an uncomfortable position and from time to time paid fealty to both , meantime raiding on their own behalf and fighting amongst themselves .
38 The effect of the war was , as in many other industries , to force government , employers and unions in shipping to face and to solve as best they could , many problems of relationships and jurisdictions which had been simmering , and from time to time erupting , for many years .
39 Sometimes I lay down and let them dance on my hand , and from time to time children came to play games in my hair .
40 It depends on the individual 's attitudes , needs and priorities which clearly vary from person to person and from time to time .
41 There were lights in the new buildings , and from time to time I heard people shouting and laughing .
42 In various measures after 1911 governments extended benefits in ways that undermined the true insurance basis of the scheme ; but the contributory principle remained an important political symbol , and from time to time attempts were made to return the scheme closer to its roots .
43 And from time to time the moon dulled even further as thin wracks of cloud and then denser masses passed across its face .
44 He heard the tin bracelets jangling on her wrists and from time to time she bent her head close over her fists as though blowing on reluctant embers ; but it was some time before he realized that he , too , was naked , and that the hands of the Moi girl were stroking and chafing his own body .
45 Between 1981 and 1985 , more stringent controls were placed upon local government finance , and from time to time the government renewed its efforts to interest the private sector in the inner cities .
46 Who are defined as enemies and what action is taken against them varies from country to country and from time to time .
47 The ford in the river was blown up to make navigation easier and from time to time there appear to have been spectacular rock falls , one of which carried away the last vestiges of St Vincent 's Chapel which gave its name to St Vincent 's Rocks .
48 In sum , their duties probably varied from place to place and from time to time , although there was always likely to be a strong police element , especially in those areas on or near the frontiers where military government was paramount and where the natives enjoyed only limited autonomy .
49 These possibilities , and from time to time actualities , of conflict may be observed in many different spheres : in the strains which arise from the redistribution of economic resources between industrial and developing countries , and from the scarcity of some natural resources , which will become more acute as industrialization proceeds throughout the world ; in the difficulties of controlling the spread of nuclear weapons ; in the more directly political struggles for power and prestige in some regions of the world ( for example , in the Middle East and among Latin American countries ) , and until recently between two nuclear superpowers .
50 ‘ I just play for relaxation nowadays , but I know two of the guys who play here regularly and from time to time they invite me to join them . ’
51 She refused to allow Jenna to feel guilty , though , and from time to time she smiled across and patted Jenna 's hand .
52 Fen made no comment about the meal she set before him , but , she noticed , he ate with relish and from time to time she felt him observing her contemplatively .
53 AT3 had experienced great difficulty in finding a job in teaching and from time to time expressed thankfulness for the one he had now .
54 Northern coal miners observed a long Christmas break and from time to time proclaimed " gaudy days " on such occasions as hearing the first cuckoo .
55 Dr Ali was scurrying along beside him and from time to time glaring down the line of boys .
56 There are other planets and there are people on them , and from time to time those people may well want to get on board ship and head down here .
57 He was kind of staggering , with one hand held to his temple , and from time to time making a noise like water running out of a bath .
58 We get down in the darkness and from time to time we pull the wire .
59 The Federal Executive shall have power , after appropriate consultations and subject to ratification by the Federal Conference , to make and from time to time vary Party rules as to membership , elections and such other matters as it may consider necessary or desirable to give effect to or supplement the provisions of this Constitution .
60 ‘ That the Directors be and are hereby authorised to establish and to permit the Company 's subsidiaries to establish such employee share schemes as they consider appropriate for the participation therein of employees of the Company or any of its subsidiaries who are resident or working overseas , and from time to time to make to permit the making of such alterations thereto as they consider necessary or appropriate provided always that the terms of such schemes shall , as far as is appropriate having regard to local circumstances and local taxation consideration , be similar to those of the Dawson International Savings Related Share Option Scheme and that the overall limits on the number of Ordinary Shares in the Company which may be subscribed for under all the Company 's employee share schemes shall not be increased thereby and that Ordinary Shares which may be subscribed for under such overseas schemes shall count towards such limits . ’
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