Example sentences of "[coord] from [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Plot of relative mobility of 5 ligated 42-mers , versus deviation & from the helical turn distance between the GGGCCC and AAAAA motifs .
2 They can die heroically , comically , ironically , slowly , suddenly , disgustingly , charmingly , or from a great height .
3 In sum , therefore , an attendance rate of 90% does not mean that 10% of pupils are absent ; the missing 10% could come from a small number of pupils with lengthy absences or from a higher percentage of pupils with brief absences .
4 An attendance rate of 90% , however , does not mean that 10% of pupils are absent : the missing 10% could come from a small minority of pupils with lengthy absences — the same ten pupils absent for the whole week — or from a higher percentage of pupils with brief absences — fifty pupils absent for one day over the course of the week .
5 However , we can not be certain whether the subsequent rise in recorded incidents stems from the way the public refers domestic violence to the police or from a real increase in domestic strife .
6 I reckon they 'll come with 9 or 10 behind the ball at all times and hope to catch Leeds out with a long punt or from a set piece .
7 If you accept metaphysics — whether very tentatively , or from a deep sense of inner knowing — how can you use it to transform your everyday life ?
8 Kaleidoscope thinking , then , involves taking an existing array of data , phenomena , or assumptions and being able to twist them , shake them , look at them upside down or from another angle or from a new direction — thus permitting an entirely new pattern and consequent set of actions to take place .
9 You can get advice from The Terrence Higgins Trust Advice Centre , the Immunity Legal Centre or from a private solicitor .
10 You must obviously decide in your own parish what can best be done , whether for your own or from a neighbouring parish .
11 Whether this flows from a suspicion of private undertakings which lurks in every large bureaucracy , or whether it is out of a deeper political distaste for what Britain has done , or from a misguided belief that state-owned organisations are cleaner and safer than private ones , is unclear .
12 They should be constantly asking why a bottle is the shape it is and whether the ingredients come from a whale or from a natural substance of which there is great abundance .
13 You can either type your data into this form — which is what I did in this instance — or you can import data from an Excel or Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet or from a Delimited ASCII file .
14 Infectious diseases came regularly — smallpox , dysentery , malaria , cholera ; and in addition there were the regular happenings — broken limbs , snake bite , toothache , injury from treading on a sharp bamboo or from a misdirected blow from the dah , a long chopper-knife which every family kept for domestic and jungle use .
15 As we said then , these were indicative in character and not comprehensive as to the levels or to the range of performance which might emerge at any one level or from a particular child .
16 In public relations campaigns , the object is not just to inform but to persuade effectively , or dissuade a part or the whole of the population to or from a particular opinion .
17 for proceeding to or from a public weighbridge for ascertaining its unladen weight or to or from any place for its registration or inspection by a person acting on behalf of the Secretary of State ;
18 But they had always kept in touch , by letter and occasionally by telephone , though recently Caro 's calls had come either from work or from a public kiosk .
19 It might also be desirable to use the services of a consultant , either from the Church or from a secular agency , in order to help parish leaders to develop inter-personal skills .
20 In August 1916 , a car of this class was fitted with large hoops over the ends of the upper deck to protect passengers from being struck by the trolley pole when being turned in the blackout or from a broken spring .
21 In other words heads , governors , teachers , advisers , inspectors , researchers and evaluators ( whether these come from education or from a broader world of audit ) need to be trained to provide " the sort of information evaluatory mechanisms might provide … there is an informational feedforward and feedback need affecting all those personnel , both professional and lay , who make decisions associated with the system " ( Watson 1980 : 194 ) .
22 Specialist nursing or care at home for people with a terminal illness may be available through Macmillan nurses , provided by Cancer Relief , and Marie Curie Foundation nurses , or from a local hospice .
23 Though Mustakimzade asserts that Fahreddin Acemi studied under al-Taftazani , this seems unlikely as the latter died in 792/1389–90 , and one suspects that his statement derives either from a misreading of the genealogy or from a faulty genealogy .
24 Noise may also be caused by scale in direct hot water systems ( page 48 ) or from a faulty boiler ( seek professional advice ) .
25 The purpose of the exhibition and station is to increase public awareness of the role played by radio in war-time operations and , hopefully , to make contact with many people , whether radio amateurs or not , who can help in achieving the aims of the Society either from personal experience and knowledge of historic equipment or from a special interest in the subject .
26 The Special Commission ‘ encouraged the Central Authorities to serve extrajudicial documents not emanating from an authority or from a judicial officer if these documents were of a type which normally would call for the intervention of an authority in their countries ’ , a striking example of the generous approach taken in operating this Convention .
27 It must always have been a real hope on Wilfrid 's part that a king of Northumbria from another branch of the royal family or from a noble line claiming royal descent would be more favourably disposed towards him than the descendants of Oswiu .
28 The other point of view was that the origin and route of funding , whether it be via Jordanian or Israeli authorities , or from an external funding agency — even Palestinian nationalist sources — necessarily implied a kind of patronage which was bound to strengthen external control over the community .
29 The ‘ diffuseness ’ and ‘ elusiveness ’ of central control , the relaxed and constructive atmosphere , the absence of stress and conflict described by HMIs — all these appear to contradict the expectations and experience of the average ‘ curriculum manager ’ in England and Wales to the point where he or she must ask : ‘ Can I learn anything at all either from Denmark or from an international perspective ? ’
30 Gary Speed and Rod Wallace are both very good at what I would term ‘ reflex volleys ’ where the ball comes to them quickly or from an awkward angle , but perhaps not so good when they have time to think about it .
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