Example sentences of "[coord] not [verb] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Issues discussed include general and reporting guidance for both the continuing auditor ( who audited and reported on the previous financial statements ) and the incoming auditor ( where the previous financial statements were either audited by another auditor or not audited at all ) .
2 And , because there is a food shortage , the affected people have the choice of eating contaminated food or not eating at all .
3 Capital equipment ( except in expanding lines like cement ) and , to a large extent , labour employed , remain constant whether or not producing at full capacity .
4 The sunflower does not learn by experience to turn its head more effectively as it matures , or not to turn at all if it is repeatedly electrically shocked every time it does so .
5 For either student , going at the wrong pace can well mean not learning as much as the average , or not learning at all , and this is true for the highly intelligent student as well as the one with learning difficulties .
6 From studying Figures 6.5 and 6.6 it will be seen that in hospital there are many potential danger points for contamination by direct contact , for example with infected articles or with hands which have been inadequately washed or not washed at all after dealing with contaminated discharges or materials .
7 These factors are dismissed as inevitable or unalterable , or not considered at all .
8 The secret of her approach was care in preparation , and woe betide the department that sent her into battle badly briefed or not briefed at all .
9 Labour support tended to be concentrated in already safe seats while the Tories swung many of the southern marginals , as many of the managerial , professional and small business strata registered Tory votes where they had previously voted Liberal or not voted at all ( Bonham , 1954 ) .
10 Individuals may also be admitted informally ( section 131 ) or not admitted at all .
11 Where individuals referred by GPs were subsequently informally admitted or not admitted at all , in no case would the ASW have preferred compulsory admission .
12 To begin with I found it almost too much to take on board , but it was all extremely thought-provoking and I had to make a decision to put my heart into it or not to bother at all ; it would have been pointless just to dip into it now and again .
13 Or not come at all .
14 ‘ Look at that , ’ he said , and crouched and peered , drawing her in , ‘ a clock , how strange , ’ strange because it was an antique clock with inlaid wood and round brass knobs for legs , it should have been softly ticking away on someone wealthy 's mantelpiece , a china shepherdess on either side , a marble fireplace below , and yet here it was , lying under a bush , and tilted at a curious angle as if it was drunk , and not ticking at all .
15 A problem in studying language is that it is often too close to individual speakers to be observed dispassionately : it is either taken for granted and not seen at all , or is too intimately involved in individual and social identity to be discussed objectively .
16 My passion is for its numerous Romanesque churches , in most cases humbly proportioned but elevated into unique works of art by the richness of their exquisitely-sculpted decoration ; to go to Poitou/Saintonge and not look at any of its churches would be like going to an African game reserve and ignoring the animals .
17 He let go and she stood up , waving her arms and not sounding at all pleased .
18 They both look congested but not infected at all .
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