Example sentences of "[coord] at the [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the boats carrying Haitians were intercepted by US Coast Guard vessels operating in the area and their occupants held either on board or at the US Navy base at Guantanamo Bay on Cuba where an emergency refugee camp was set up .
2 Participants have the choice of studying at either Henley , in the Netherlands , in France or at the Singapore Institute of Management .
3 Researchers can complete part or all of the DBA programme at Henley , in the Netherlands , in France or at the Singapore Institute of Management .
4 Researchers can complete the DBA programme at Henley , Henley-Nederland , Groupe ESC — L'Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Grenoble in France or at the Singapore Institute of Management .
5 Nothing further had been heard of her either in Finchley or at the Eastbourne club address .
6 In London , Dave Prowse , the six foot six inch , 19 stone former director of the National Sports Centre at Crystal Palace and Darth Vader in Star Wars , offers one-to-one training in your home , office or at his private studio , the newly opened Club Royale at 11 Whitehorse St , London W1Y 7LB ( tel : 01-493-1977 ) or at The Dave Prowse Fitness Centre , 12 Marshalsea Road , London SE1 ( Tel : 01–407 5650 ) .
7 Loyal armed forces launched a counter-attack against the rebels , and just after midnight there was a burst of heavy fighting around the palace and residence , the Ministry of Defence and naval headquarters , and at the Miranda base .
8 One was kept at each terminus and at the Robin Hood , hung from a large hook near the top of a traction post .
9 They mounted a bloody attack throughout that month and the next , directed mainly at the ironically aptly named hill of Mort Homme — the dead man — on the river 's left bank , and at the Côte du Poivre .
10 Three times he had made it clear to MacDonald that he did not wish to accept his resignation — on the morning of Sunday 23 August , when he told MacDonald that he would ‘ advise them ( the other two party leaders ) strongly to support ( him ) ’ ; at 10.20 p.m. on the evening of the same day , after the Cabinet meeting , when the King ‘ impressed upon the Prime Minister that he was the only man to lead the country through this crisis and hoped that he would reconsider the situation ’ ; and at the Buckingham Palace conference itself .
11 And at the Liverpool Empire , London Contemporary Dance arrive back in the city tomorrow after an absence of some years .
12 And at the ICA sculpture is lively .
13 Brigitte did make enquiries at Pitmans , where classes started at five in the evening , and at the Kilburn Polytechnic , where there were weekend classes , but continued to doubt her ability to study enough at evening classes .
14 A planned bilateral meeting between Defence Ministers in Kazakh ( Azerbaijan ) on June 17 did not take place , and at the Istanbul summit of Black Sea states [ see p. 38980 ] the Presidents refused to hold bilateral negotiations .
15 He has performed on the South Bank and at the Greenwich Festival .
16 What happened prior to and at the Cancun Summit ?
17 Problems of environmental pollution have in recent years become a matter of growing concern both in EC member states and at the EC level itself .
18 On his retirement , George Healey was honoured by being made the Association 's first deaf Patron , and at the Southampton Congress shortly before his death in 1925 he was presented with an illuminated testimonial and a cheque for his pension fund .
19 In the UK such research is widespread though there are specialist environmental epidemiology research institutes at Southampton and Cardiff ( funded by the Medical Research Council ) , and others at the University of Surrey ( Robens Institute ) and at the London School for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine .
20 Edie was not dismayed and continued to exhibit occasionally in mixed exhibitions at the Leicester Galleries and at the London Group .
21 And at the Beeches Road site , Cirencester , which produced the mosaic depicting a hare ( pI .
22 These timetabled games take place at Goldenacre — the School 's playing fields and at the Pleasance Gym .
23 The National Committee of the Guild decided to apply for " sympathetic affiliation " to the Young Communist International and at the Norwich conference of May 1934 , the Guild ratified this decision by 18 votes to 12 .
24 He was educated at Zombodze primary school and at the Lovedale Institute in South Africa before assuming the Swazi throne as paramount chief at the age of twenty-two in 1921 .
25 His dominance was all the greater after the death of the earl of Warwick in August 1315 , and at the Lincoln parliament in January 1316 he was recognized as head of the council .
26 His success as a conductor of contesting bands was immediate , with victories at the National Brass Band Championships in 1946 ( with Brighouse and Rastrick Band ) and at the Belle Vue September Contest , Manchester , in 1948 and 1952 , with the now-defunct Co-operative Workers Society ( CWS ) Manchester Band , being the highlights .
27 Eight artists were given grants to develop work specifically for sites in Norwich and at the Norfolk Institute .
28 The result of 18 months work in London and at the Cherry House , ‘ Homebrew ’ is a more mature , less attitudinous record than the first .
29 They had by then abandoned the expression " deaf and dumb " and at the Paris Congress had strongly advised the British to do the same .
30 The retrospective exhibition of the art of Alfred Sisley which opened at the Royal Academy of Arts at the beginning of July closes in London on 18 October but continues , with a slightly different selection of works , at the Musée d'Orsay , Paris ( 30 October-31 January 1993 ) and at the Walters Art Gallery , Baltimore ( 14 March-13 June 1993 ) , its only venue in the United States .
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