Example sentences of "[coord] at the [noun sg] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Angry at his ineffectiveness and at the way Rohmer had made him a bystander in this nightmare , Cardiff followed them back through the savage whirlwinds towards the office block .
2 Educated at Abingdon Grammar School ( 1831–3 ) and at the East India Company 's military seminary at Addiscombe House ( 1834–5 ) , Rigby commenced his military career in 1836 as an ensign in the 5th Regiment of Native Infantry stationed in Poona .
3 They are also thinking too much about what counts and when you do that you are up the creek , and at the moment Gloucester have not got a paddle
4 Dr Thomas Brereton lived at The Grange , Dr Samuel Rooth at Grange House , Samuel Lucas , iron founder , resided at the Hall , the Manor House was divided between a farmer/cattle dealer and a farmer/coal owner , and at The Rookery Mr W. H. Rangeley was looked after by his ‘ devoted begum ’ who was born in Tobago .
5 Where else but at the Hotel Okura ?
6 Neither said a word to the assembled company , but at the door Eugénie turned and gave them her famous curtsy .
7 But at the outset Alf Jacobson installed his home-made 500 watt transmitter at the far end of the one long room and constructed an announcer 's desk with double turn-tables .
8 ‘ A few people 's names have been mentioned , but at the moment Ian Leckie is going to look after the youth team , with John Hope helping me out on a Saturday .
9 ‘ A few people 's names have been mentioned , but at the moment Ian Leckie is going to look after the youth team , with John Hope helping me out on a Saturday .
10 But at the summit Bush and US officials successfully scuttled these efforts .
11 After James was born in 1983 she intended to return after maternity leave fairly quickly , but at the time Edelman 's was in the process of changing — two senior partners had died , and two others had gone into industry .
12 He had applied for a grant but at the time Liverpool City Council was snowed under by applications .
13 But at the time Mendeleev , like Clerk Maxwell , looked like the last word in an old discussion rather than the first in a new one .
14 In normal circumstances this would not have mattered , but at the time Rhodesia was meant to be enduring the most severe and effective economic sanctions , particularly with regard to the supply of oil .
15 but at the end Joe forgives Pip and their relationship seems very strong .
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