Example sentences of "[coord] he [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Of course an Asian child here must learn English , but must she or he forget their own language in order to learn English ?
2 She buried her face against him , afraid to say any more in case he guessed how she felt , and he gathered her close , reaching out to switch off the lamps .
3 Nathan 's face tightened in a wince and he muttered something unintelligible as she smoothed on some antiseptic cream .
4 The thing is my father was a journalist , and he taught me all the fucking tricks .
5 But I had a really good music teacher in high school and he taught me relative pitch .
6 ‘ I want to tell you , ’ he said to his wife but he veered away from the effort which would dim it , tangle , it , and he chose something banal and not what was in his mind .
7 Relative isolation suited his character and he followed his own ideas with considerable success .
8 And he blames his rapid rise to stardom , while still in his early 20s , for much of his reaction against acting .
9 She tried to take his hands away , and he raised them both , and patted the air , as if to say , ‘ All right , all right , I was only doing what you wanted . ’
10 And he raised his own chin at George and went out , slamming the door behind him .
11 His reserve broke before he had got far and he revealed his own grievance .
12 His husky moan of arousal as she placed her hands on his warm chest shattered the last remnants of any uncertainty she might have felt , and her arms closed about him as she revelled in the hard pressure of Ross 's body , the slight roughness of his masculine jaw as her silk gown was torn away and he pressed his burning lips to the soft , fragrant valley between her full breasts .
13 Well and he wrote me this letter saying erm saying I , I realise that there 's been something on your mind recently and I hope you can talk to me about it .
14 He was a brilliant raconteur , with a wicked wit and a razor tongue , and he had them all in stitches .
15 He had his bloody he had his cushion and he had his bloody , you know that one how we got him with his head on his cushion like that ?
16 He 'd sent a photograph in and he was sitting in the garden and right and he was on a garden chair and he had his nice hair washed and shiny .
17 His wife was no help to him , she was a poor , sickly creature , and he had his young sister to care for beside his own boy .
18 And he had his regular job which his son was keeping warm for him .
19 We found out that the neighbours on the left hand side , who were in fact an elderly couple , and his son was working erm , and he had his own business working at home .
20 He had a shaving kit like that , and he had his old , the old after shave lotion and that , and he will , well , picked us , we just fucking said I , I know what will do the trick a bit of fucking gone
21 King Hussein was informed of our problem , and he had his royal crew uncover the gremlin — a short in the electrical system .
22 Told him , selling a million pounds worth of flour e er flour a year and he had his twenty first coming up and apparently , he starts spilling the beans
23 So watch them for a while and then he started dancing with them and he dance them all night and he just get in his hand .
24 He 'd come straight from work , and he wore his best bespoke Burton 's suit , a yellow waistcoat with a watch on a chain ( a present from Mum ) , and a striped tie in pink and blue with a knot as fat as a bar of soap .
25 He had left his outer clothes downstairs and he wore his cheap Latvian suit with its wide trouser bottoms as though it was from Savile Row .
26 Already , like flowers turning towards the sun or like bees seeking pollen , in the wastelands of his world and in the ooze below — in that deep dark underocean of power and Chaos — Jaq sensed attentions focusing upon him tentatively ; and he blanked his own white spark .
27 Then his head dipped towards her and he kissed her full on the lips , a harsh , plundering kiss that robbed her of breath and left her trembling beneath him .
28 As the black perfume came tumbling over his breast , and he kissed it sweet in the moonlight , a sweet in the moonlight , and he tugged at his reigns in the moonlight , and galloped away to the west .
29 Jones , still only 30 , already had a reputation as an experienced seaman and he began his new career by capturing several British ships in the Irish Sea , but his announcement that he intended to raid Whitehaven in Cumberland and burn the vessels moored there nearly provoked a mutiny , for his crew , already disgruntled that so many ships had been sunk instead of seized , saw their prospect of prize money once again going up in smoke .
30 And both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble saying , this man receives sinners and eats with them , and he told them this parable saying , what man among you , if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them , does not leave the ninety and nine in the open pasture and go out to the one which is lost until he finds it .
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