Example sentences of "[coord] on the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have been using pastels for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
2 I have been using pasters for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
3 Not all employers have equal access to occupational pensions , and manual workers are less likely to receive one on retirement or on the same level as non-manual and professional employees .
4 He 'd met Sean Penn maybe 20 times , and they went to the same clubs on Melrose and Sunset , even if not at the same time or on the same night .
5 However , I am out of mine on Thursday and Friday , but you are very welcome to telephone me a home over the weekend on , or on the same number on Monday the 26th of April .
6 Similar , though slightly more muted , approval was given to the propositions on Christian education , discussed from 17 to 19 November , and on the latter date the Council turned its attention briefly to recommendations to simplify marriage legislation and end discrimination against non-Catholic partners in mixed marriages .
7 The programme placed German unity before European unity and on the latter point the goal was defined as " not a united Europe but a Europe of the fatherlands " .
8 There was little enough fun in her life ; she had no friends , she rarely left the house and on the few occasions she did , it was never on her own and her only contacts were with her mother , the tutors , some of the servants and Patrick .
9 I talked utter rubbish for hours , and on the few occasions that I faltered Lorne would break in and take over until I had recovered my strength .
10 Joe Fitzgerald was so much older and moved in a different circle , and on the few occasions that Sarah had seen him he had shown no interest in her , but she liked him and knew that he enjoyed reading and poetry as much as she did .
11 De Gaulle , at Brazzaville in 1944 , may have believed that France , of all the imperial powers , would choose nobly and liberally in a new era ; on a more mundane level and on the same occasion it was also agreed that ‘ access to the riches of all that bears the French name is the most certain measure of our country 's return to grandeur ’ .
12 The bogies were assembled adjacent to the underframes and in a somewhat similar manner , the final operation being carried out near to , and on the same road as , the underframe lowering operation .
13 ‘ There is considerable danger here of drawing the conclusion that because the two sets of bones were found in conjunction and on the same date , they must have met their deaths at the same time .
14 We wish to see the key role of church and other voluntary-aided schools secured and available equally and on the same criteria to all religions .
15 Gp Capt R C Hockey sent Air Mail the excellent photograph of what happened at Kinloss on a dark night in October 1943 when an Anson was approaching to land at the same time — and on the same bit of field — as a Whitley was just starting its take-off run .
16 Next season , the old competition will be run on a national league basis - and on the same dates as the divisionals — with early rounds settled in two areas , the North and Midlands and London South-East and West .
17 It was hard to believe we had been indulging the same appetite for climbing and on the same crag I had visited during a July heatwave three years before .
18 The House of Commons debated the crisis on 2 August , and on the same day I was married to Mary Patrick in Southport , formally recording my profession as ‘ Schoolmaster ( Grammar ) ’ .
19 When his letter appeared , Scott realized his mistake , and on the same day sent off another letter to The Times , attempting to explain his extraordinary remarks .
20 A police officer formed the opinion that she was unlawfully at large and on the same day went to the patient 's home with other police and nurses .
21 The future of the Cossacks had also been referred to the Chiefs of Staff by AFHQ on 17 May , and on the same day AFHQ had appealed to SHAEF to take them over .
22 The future of " Chetniks " and " Croats " had been referred to the Chiefs of Staff by AFHQ on 17 May , and on the same day AFHQ had issued the " Distone order " to Eighth Army .
23 The results of those studies were published on 25 September , and on the same day I announced the start of a three-month public consultation period during which interested parties could make written representations to me on the contents of the reports produced by Hydrotechnica .
24 The curfew was lifted on April 9 , and on the same day the opposition groups had a meeting with the King in which they affirmed their commitment to the establishment of " full democracy " .
25 Kohl and the French President François Mitterrand had already appealed for emergency aid when they met in Assmannshausen on June 22 , and on the same day West Germany announced that it had agreed to guarantee a DM5,000 million ( approximately US$2,980 million ) loan to the Soviet Union . )
26 After seven weeks of negotiations , involving the smaller right-wing and religious parties , the two main parties signed another coalition agreement on Dec. 22 , 1988 , and on the same day the new Cabinet , headed by the outgoing Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir , won a vote of confidence in the Knesset .
27 However , the Supreme Council of National Security ( SCNS ) on Jan. 26 announced that all aircraft would be " confiscated " and their pilots kept in custody , stressing that " this policy would be applied to all parties which violate Iranian air , land or sea spaces " , and on the same day Baker confirmed that " we have been assured that Iran intends to remain totally neutral " .
28 A general strike was observed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on March 6 , and on the same day Israeli troops shot dead an 18-year-old Palestinian during rioting near the West Bank village of Ramallah .
29 The Spanish airline Iberia reported on March 22 that it had lost $276,000,000 during the year , and on the same day the Belgian government started a $563,000,000 rescue programme for the troubled national carrier Sabena .
30 The United States , which like Germany had hitherto strongly favoured maintaining Yugoslav integrity , made it clear on July 2 that it did not support the use of force to preserve this integrity , and on the same day President Bush indicated in a letter to the recently installed ( Croat ) head of the Collective State Presidency , Stjepan Mesic [ see p. 38275 ] , that it would accept the republics ' independence if achieved peacefully .
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