Example sentences of "[coord] all [art] way [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a very real sense there were two Glasgows and the second city was the one that clustered along either bank of the River Clyde and all the way to Clydebank .
2 A comparable recent conservation cause which went through the High Court and all the way to the Lords was an argument over navigational rights on the river Derwent .
3 What is more , there has been no other deposit quite like it either before or since , except perhaps some Miocene chalks which themselves are remarkably widespread : in the western approaches to the English Channel , in Malta , Cyprus and the Middle East and all the way to New Zealand .
4 It 's same in here , right through the room and all the way to the up the stairs , and it 's all Axminster .
5 So that spreadsheet is just sorting them all way across the bottom and all the way across the top .
6 You got ta remember you keep looking and looking and all the way across the road .
7 Then when we went on the train to Italy and all the way through France and Switzerland he chatted up one of the Marias , and when I tipped his minestrone soup over his head on Milan station he said : ‘ You 'll have to excuse my wife , she 's just an ignorant peasant . ’
8 And all the way through the film these things were happening and you 're waiting for the thrilling resolution .
9 Aim for 1.2 cm ( ½ in ) thick layer all over the outside , over the lip and all the way down the inside surfaces .
10 and all the way down his back
11 It went on being good to the bottom of the path and all the way into the road .
12 Endill was led to the start of the line and told to shake hands with the first teacher , then the second , then the third and all the way along the line until the last .
13 It was quite a crush but the first circuit — left on to Orchard Street and all the way round Selfridges , then Oxford Street as far as Marylebone Lane and then Wigmore again — went off without serious injury .
14 It had been most enjoyable with a tremendous amount of flying : I had been in every part of the Command — Persia as it was in those days , down the Gulf and all the way round the Gulf to Bahrain , Salalah , I took part in the search for the Imperial Airways Argosy airliner City of Glasgow that landed on the beach and was literally lost for a couple of days before one of the Shaihah crews found it away down beyond Sulwah Wells .
15 That 's the Polish cemetery and all the way round This is the erm Canadian and British , all this the joint you know forces .
16 They 're rough yeah is erm and all the way round it 's got air bubble from here to there all the way round .
17 This was before the Clean Air Act was passed and London smogs had to be breathed to be believed , but all the way up eastern England it was pretty bad .
18 In the Dance for the Haymakers that follows the comic Dialogue between Coridon and Mopsa , only the outer parts have been copied — but all the way through this movement the copyist has provided staves , complete with clefs and key- and time-signatures , for the second violin and viola parts without which it manifestly does not present a complete texture .
19 But all the way through this chapter I have been asserting just the contrary .
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