Example sentences of "[coord] if such [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not least , as I have suggested , the question arises as to how God can be good if God can have revealed himself through such a history and if such a myth is true .
2 But that would be a plausible prediction only for members of a constant and self-conscious majority of opinion , and if such a majority existed so would a self-conscious minority that would have the opposite opinion .
3 We can not imagine it , yet it is possible , and if such a change did come to one of us , there would be pain for both and merely afterwards friendship …
4 Moreover , the officer of arms making the visitation was directed to enquire into the lives of all those using a title of honour or dignity such as knight , esquire or gentleman , and if such a title or coat of arms had been falsely assumed or usurped , the offender was to be publicly denounced by proclamation .
5 A star that is 1.4 times heavier than our Sun has a Schwarzschild radius of only 2 km , and if such a star were to shrink to this size it would attain a mean density of , far beyond the density of nuclei .
6 But it is all too evident that there does not exist anywhere at the present time an active political movement which would be capable of initiating such a development , and if such a movement came into existence it would encounter immense difficulties .
7 That could cause difficulties and if such an inhibition operated which did not apply to other bus companies it could make it difficult for management-employee buy-out teams to raise funds .
8 Britain is not yet ready for a Ministry of Justice , but if such a change were to come it is unlikely that the distinction between administration and policy would endure for long .
9 But if such a retort is both meaningful and non-trivial , then surely so is the statement ( that might be made , for example , in reply to a request for information from a third person ) that " the chair " being talked about — the " posited chair " — is not fictional , i.e. that it actually exists , even though those who take this statement on trust might find out otherwise to their cost .
10 I agree with him that it is important and significant to develop the Western European Union and to have a defence force , but if such a force existed now , would it have gone into Yugoslavia to separate the Serbs and the Croats ?
11 Like a lot of Lord Beaverbrook 's phrases , that was probably more colourful than accurate — but if such a frontier ever existed then the imperatives of current affairs television have certainly modified and adjusted it .
12 But if such a divinity was near , he prayed that the songs had it wrong , because sweet as tales of Nativity were , time was short , and if hope was only a babe tonight then by the time it had reached redeeming age the worlds it had come to save would be dead .
13 This may simply involve consulting an index of all the sites , finds and monuments in the area , but if such an index does not exist , extensive research in museums and libraries may be necessary to compile such an index before any work in the field takes place .
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