Example sentences of "[coord] if [pron] have the " in BNC.

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1 It concluded that no one knew what was in the dumps or if they had the capacity to meet future needs .
2 ‘ They were Group-wide events which showed just what can be achieved and if we have the same support for the other planned events then we are confident we can hit our target of £10,000 .
3 I love rugby and if I had the opportunity I would pull on my boots and play tomorrow .
4 and if I had the money I could have that
5 The scenery was beautiful and even though there was snow on the ground it was like a hot summers day and if I had the chance to go back I would .
6 I should like to speak longer , because the hon. Member for Islington , South and Finsbury ( Mr. Smith ) spoke about the losses that he envisages would be incurred by the development of the station at King 's Cross , and if I had the time I should love to expand on the economic benefits that could be achieved in employment terms , the environmental benefits that would accrue to the area and the safety benefits that would be brought about by the Fennell provisions in the Bill .
7 to , because , one of the main points about the embarrassing er aspect , mainly boys sniggering and giggling , whatever , maybe some girls do , but it 's mainly er , males , I think a point to be made there is , it is a well known fact that boys took longer to mature emotionally than girls and I think if it was a guy a younger guy , maybe in his late twenties , early thirties teaching it , and if he had the sort of guts to turn round and the bravery to say look son , what is it you 're laughing at , what 's so funny ?
8 And if he has the nerve , apple crumble with custard .
9 For example , the number eight would be a very pretty shape to create and a pressed flower card reading eighteen or twenty-one could also be very attractive if created in shades of pink , and if you had the patience you could even make a matching gift tag to accompany the present .
10 And if you had the matric yes well i it did help you to get in .
11 And if you have the knack and a light enough touch , you can just about ease back the spring enough to release the tongue .
12 But if we had the accommodation downstairs , you we could ea easily have a good sitting room that we never use .
13 But if they have the quality then they will come through .
14 But if I had the money this is the car I 'd do .
15 But if I have the power to push , then surely I also have the power to lift ?
16 A pilot who must restrict his flying to perfect weather and clear skies will find his aircraft tied to the ground for most of the year , but if he has the ability to control his aircraft accurately whatever the weather , and is qualified to fly confidently from airport to airport under instrument flying conditions , only the very worst weather , fog , ice or severe thunderstorms will restrict his plans .
17 ‘ And this may be your villa , and your bed , but if you had the minutest atom of good manners or breeding you 'd get out of here right now and let me get some clothes on ! ’
18 No , but if you had the staff , I mean we 're talking about a hypothetical situation , would you still try doing that ?
19 This extract is made up of two consecutive speeches to Jessica ; either speech can be played for an audition , but if you have the time to do them both together the extract works well .
20 But if you have the gift of sight , please close your eyes … and I feel confident you will extend a helping hand to those on whose behalf I am writing to you .
21 You can camp nearby and use the Cluanie Inn for a hot bar-meal and somewhere to consume beer beside a log fire until they throw you out , but if you have the money why deny yourself a bed for the night ?
22 But if you have the luck to come of country stock then you should never sever your roots , no matter how great the temptation to ‘ improve ’ yourself , or to inhabit more glorious scenery , or to be nearer a railway station .
23 For just two-coloured stripes you can still work in regular row sections but if you have the purl side as the right side the stripes blur in a pleasant way and merge toning colours splendidly .
24 A fairly sophisticated monitor is required for design software — but if you have the wrong type , do n't despair , because monitors are available separately from computers .
25 But if you have the attitude the Egyptians had towards death …
26 It may not be quite as easy to learn as the manufacturers claim , but if you have the time you will find it to be well worth the effort .
27 It may not be quite as easy to learn as the manufacturers claim , but if you have the time you will find it to be well worth the effort .
28 I would be happy to discuss this further with you in my office , but accept that because of the distance this may not be possible , but if you have the opportunity of travelling to Yorkshire during office hours please contact my secretary , Pat Slater , who will be pleased to arrange a mutually convenient appointment for you .
29 But if you have the space the centre can sell you the largest tree in the world .
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