Example sentences of "[coord] have no [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 In any case , most laboratory mutations either die out or have no obvious effect , or merely improve the growth and manageability of the strain .
2 Some of the general practitioner contract 's requirements , such as check ups every three years and deprivation payments , either ignore the findings of research or have no supporting evidence .
3 We live together in the same house and have no other home .
4 ‘ Mere busybodies ’ are probably not protected , nor are those who are induced to join a combination by the payment of money and have no other interest to protect .
5 They are monuments dedicated to suffering ; they are never triumphalist and have no victorious character .
6 Television personalities have a prime duty to protect their popular reputations and have no genuine ability to judge the quality of a tomato , let alone contemporary art .
7 So in some areas the Commission has only issued a recommendation or communication , which are merely persuasive and have no legal effect , such as in the area of social protection , child care , minimum income and persons living in frontier regions .
8 The consequence of that is that we 've seen a continuation of road-building schemes which have caused considerable damage to the countryside , devastated communities and have no real hope of soaking up the so-called demand for new roads .
9 We passed a few minutes in the exchanges that usually pass for conversation between people who know each other slightly and have no real business connection .
10 Many theoretical investigations of turbulence have been developed around the concept of homogeneous , isotropic turbulence — turbulence of which the statistical properties do not vary with position and have no preferred direction .
11 The different shades of grey were chosen subjectively and have no intrinsic meaning .
12 However the general decisions formulated as maxims are themselves about how to act in a recurring situation and have no independent authority ; they do not pre-decide particular issues , each of which will have its peculiar features .
13 In the capitalist mode of production , however , the workers are landless and have no independent means of subsistence .
14 According to pragmatism what we call legal rights are only the servants of the best future : they are instruments we construct for that purpose and have no independent force or ground .
15 Hinrich Medau evolved a simple method of teaching piano improvisation so that even students who have never played the piano before and have no previous knowledge of music almost all learn to play well for movement , even if only in a very simple way .
16 It is submitted that element ( ii ) , and to some extent element ( iii ) , go to the weight to be given to the parliamentary material and have no proper place in the formulation of a rule regulating the admissibility of the material .
17 The only exception to this is that the test machine arrived without one of its little rubber feet , something that I feel might happen quite regularly , given that they just screw in with a small self-tapping screw , and have no supporting adhesive to really make things permanent .
18 It will meet the most stringent of safety requirements and have no significant impact on the environment . ’
19 Many machine-readable dictionaries are now available to academics for research purposes , although these are usually in the form of copies of typesetting tapes , and have no accompanying software for operating on the data .
20 Also ‘ areas ’ may refer to a few kms 2 or to whole countries , so that areas or pockets of declining food production may coexist with , and have no social access to , other areas of increased food production .
21 In comparing the procedures for electing party leaders in Britain and the United States , Anthony King concluded that , ‘ recent developments in the American presidential nominating system have greatly increased the probability that men will be nominated who lack relevant experience and have no evident aptitude for one of the most demanding and powerful jobs on earth ’ .
22 It records the names of some 70,000 of the forces of the British Commonwealth and Empire who fell in the battle in the neighbourhood and have no known grave .
23 If they are held in overcrowded conditions , unfit for a dog to live in , and have no meaningful occupation — I do not mean soulless , non-productive work — they have no alternative but to fall into mischief and cause trouble .
24 On the whole the poorest citizens are covered by Medicaid ; the group just above them , numbering some 35 million Americans , are not covered by Medicaid but have no effective alternative in terms of private health insurance .
25 They amount to a fine for misbehaviour , but have no upper limit .
26 In the odd invertebrate there is monogamy but no ordinary parental care : the limnorid isopods that bore into shipwood live in pairs , but the young look after themselves ; likewise , some wood-boring scolytid beetles live in pairs but have no parental care in the ordinary sense of the word — although the young may benefit from the proximity of their parents .
27 Glutamate uptake was monitored electrically in salamander retinal glia , which have uptake like that in mammalian glia and neurons but have no glutamate-gated ion channels .
28 In the event of non-payment of the interest or principal on this debt , the lenders have the right to require the sale of the property and will be paid all the sale proceeds up to the amount of the debt but have no other rights against the company . ’
29 The contractors , having racked themselves to the limit to fight off all other comers , may be forced to cut back on programme spending , to the detriment of exactly the kind of endeavours which may give delight to many but have no great appeal to the masses .
30 This means that family and school problems may be common antecedents of schizophrenia , but have no causal role in bringing it about .
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