Example sentences of "[coord] have [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 No account is usually taken of the care which the dependant may be giving or have given in the past to the carer .
2 Subsequent legislation and regulation have only supplemented the 1974 Act that made directors , managers and other officers liable to prosecution where they have consented to or have connived at the committing of any offence or where an offence has been caused by neglect on their part .
3 Electronic surveillance ( bugging ) , telephone tapping , infiltration of political organizations and squats , photographing demonstrations , the maintenance of files on perhaps 2 million political activists and ( in London ) the systematic recording of all public meetings and demonstrations , including the names and addresses of speakers and chairpersons , are all practices that have been admitted by the police or have emerged in the course of court hearings .
4 The primary function of the centres is the documentation of modern and contemporary artists who work or have worked in the former Eastern-bloc countries and the promotion of living artists previously unknown to the West .
5 He was also told that 11,090 containers with low-level radioactive waste were dumped in the Kara Sea , and that at least five barges holding large quantities of nuclear waste are floating or have sunk off the island of Novaya Zemlya ( a former Soviet nuclear testing site ) .
6 Previous studies have uncertain relevance to the outpatient setting as they either investigated subgroups of patients for example the elderly , or have reported on the findings in hospital inpatients .
7 Most of these studies have had a struggle to remain solvent , and have depended on the generosity of charitable foundations such as Nuffield and Ford , as well as finance from government agencies , often via the health services .
8 The conceptual basis underlying the Nat Bell decision has been removed as the courts have rejected the limited theory of jurisdiction , and have moved through the collateral fact doctrine towards the theory of extensive review .
9 Women are free to choose their spouse , and have moved towards the development of equal rights in such matters as divorce and control over property .
10 It is magazines such as The Face , i-D , Blitz and Arena which have been engaging with football culture and have succumbed to the Latin promise of theatre , spectacle and carnival .
11 Other Diamond kites — the Ace , Trlby , Zig-Zag , Rainbow , Hyperkites Ghostie , Blazer , Brookite Stunters and Dunford Stingray — have carried on that first generation with low-cost products that perform impressively for any novice and have served over the years to bring so many into the kite fraternity .
12 The expression is well known in the South , especially among service families and may I add , there were a great number of fine soldiers who came from the South in units as famous as that fine body of men who serve and have served in the DLI .
13 Dear Virginia , — Before Christmas last ( 22 October ) , you were reported in Hansard , during a debate on The Health of the Nation , as saying : ‘ I have degrees from Essex University and the London School of Economics , I have worked for the Child Poverty Action Group , and have lived with the defeatist talk that we are hearing from the hon Gentleman [ Mr David Blunkett ] . ’
14 Many have a serious addiction or illness and have lived on the streets for much of their lives .
15 The typical appellate judge will be at least 60 years of age , white , male and educated at public school and at Oxford or Cambridge and have lived in the insular world of the Bar for more than 30 years .
16 Ever enthusiastic , a similar report followed the following week speaking of the untiring energy of the Committee and so on , and including the following paragraph — ‘ Of course , there have been those pessimistic folk about who have done all in their power to discourage those who have been endeavouring to bring about this deserved end , and have scoffed at the idea of ever raising the amount of money necessary .
17 In turn under the leadership of QC and QC we have sent delegations to the Baltic States , Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania ( at their request , we hasten to add ) , and have assisted in the setting up of a new bilateral organisation called BELLA ( British Law Association for Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania ) .
18 Above all , they have emphasised the need for higher expectations from society as a whole about what disabled people can achieve , and have argued for the necessary resources to be devoted to helping them achieve them .
19 Low-end PC makers can and have shrugged off the three-month delay imposed on the P5 .
20 The opposition New Progressive Party ( PNP ) claimed that victory for the government would have strained relations with the USA and have led to the possible loss of student scholarships and federal food aid .
21 Research has also indicated that many members of the upper strata owe their position primarily to the fact that they have been born into those strata and have capitalized on the advantages provided by their social background .
22 At least I have the man 's name and have written to the Inspectorate of Constabulary at Dublin Castle and to the Sheriff of Kilkenny County .
23 ‘ As a gesture of goodwill , I have decided to waive the charge on this occasion and have written to the gentleman informing him of my decision . ’
24 She and her husband moved to Essex after the first of the three children was born , and have stayed in the same house since , Mary busying herself with a multitude of activities locally , and now caring for her husband since his stroke .
25 The argument was over Zack 's decision to close with the negotiator called Quinn and have done with the whole thing at two million dollars ransom .
26 Erm , on entertainment , we 're spending a lot of money on organic growth and have done over the past two or three years and er , it 's very well spent but again , we 're growing our businesses , erm , er , rather than acquiring them .
27 They also accuse the government of entering into a private deal with the US company , and have called for the project to be opened to tender by local and foreign companies , with guarantees of a minimum 51 per cent stake for Czechoslovak companies .
28 Kontrax Holdings Ltd , Kontrax Telecom Plc and Kontrax Office Systems Plc have accumulated short term debts totalling $53m and have called in the financial consultants Banker RT to manage discussions with their two main creditors , the Hungarian Credit Bank and Postabank .
29 It involves visits to the homes of children who are either convicted offenders , children at special risk , or who have recently been involved in trouble and have come to the attention of the police .
30 Last night , while sitting doing my ration of embroidery , I thought of what we had been talking about — the paying guest , and have come to the conclusion that you ought not to undertake such a responsibility as you have had such a difficult time in one way and another with sickness and trouble .
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