Example sentences of "[coord] were [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Others reeked of herbs or were powdered with flour .
2 No cases are referred to in the judgments or were cited in argument .
3 No cases are referred to in the judgment or were cited in argument .
4 No cases are referred to in the judgment or were cited in argument .
5 The pilgrims , 680 of whom were later identified as Indonesian and some 600 as Turkish , died of suffocation or were trampled to death in a frantic attempt to escape , as an estimated 50,000 worshippers converged simultaneously on the 500-metre long al-Mu'aysam tunnel connecting Mecca to the pilgrim tent city of Mina , below Mount Arafat .
6 The particles were analyzed by SDS-PAGE ( as above ) or were examined by electron microscopy .
7 Prior to Batrec 's operations , Swiss batteries — even those collected separately by local authorities — were either sent abroad to dubious foreign dumps or were incinerated at home — a process which raised fears that residues could eventually enter the food chain .
8 Over the millennia , other wrecks and crippled vessels were welded to the first , in whole or in part , or were crashed into place in what became a vast assembly kilometres across and deep .
9 It seems extraordinary to today 's parents in England and the United States that women of the twenties and thirties should have been prepared to accept either the content of these pronouncements or the authoritarian tone in which they were made ; yet accepted they were , in that innumerable women made valiant efforts to stifle their natural desire to cuddle their babies and to feed them when they were hungry , or were wracked with guilt and shame when they ‘ mawkishly ’ rocked the child or sentimentally eased his stomach pangs in the small hours with a contraband couple of ounces .
10 These were set in motion once fighting began and were kept in effect despite falls in prices .
11 Many lived in squalor and poverty , went short of food when times were hard and were kept from starvation only by the meagre income they gained from non-farming pursuits , whether sidework or the labour of family members working further afield on a temporary or permanent basis .
12 Mixtures of thymocytes and stromal cells rapidly reform ( within 12 hours ) into intact thymus lobes and were analysed for T-cell development in terms of lymphoid content and TCR , CD4 and CD8 expression after 9 days in culture ( Fig.2 ) .
13 Data obtained from each experiment approximated to a normal distribution and were analysed with Student 's t test for paired data .
14 Four biopsy specimens of the antrum and four of the gastric body were taken and were analysed by urease test , microscopy of a methyleblue stained mucosal smear , specific culture , and histology after modified Giemsa staining as described elsewhere .
15 The Croats first settled in their present homeland in the seventh century and were converted to Christianity in the first half of the ninth century , shortly after they accepted the suzerainty of the Holy Roman Emperor , Charlemagne , in 803 .
16 Despite their initial ferocity the victorious Agaw were eventually assimilated into the civilization they had sought to destroy , and were converted to Christianity .
17 The idea was certainly sensible as the club gained valuable experience , finished bottom , and were relegated to Division One .
18 Many secondees had been a considerable time in their pre-secondment posts and were looking for variety .
19 Patients in one group were given Reflotron machines ( Boehringer Mannheim , Germany ) and were asked to measure their triglyceride concentrations at home , before meals and before going to bed , twice a week and to record the results in diaries .
20 The DJs heard six songs and were asked for advice on the first single .
21 Meanwhile , the remaining leaves fell from the sycamore in the square and were swept into oblivion by the stiff brooms of council employees .
22 They appeared before Harlow magistrates and were remanded in custody until Thursday .
23 They made no plea and were remanded in custody for seven days .
24 Mortalities from cancer ( cancer given as the underlying cause of death ) were calculated for each treatment and were adjusted for age by the direct method .
25 The waters nevertheless contained the possibility of life and were personified as Nun , the primordial deity .
26 The majority of the inhabitants of late medieval England lived close to the soil and were engaged in agriculture .
27 The first six of these seven items originally appeared as ‘ Sketches of London , nos. 4 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 and 20 ’ in The Evening Chronicle ( see MORNING CHRONICLE ) between Feb. and Aug. 1835 under a common subtitle , ‘ The Parish ’ , and were collected in volume form in Sketches by Boz , First Series , ( Feb. 1836 ) .
28 These houses , the homes of the first pottery makers on Crete , had rectangular rooms and were made without stone footings .
29 Once again we received a warm welcome at Cresswell and were treated to coffee and some rather nice chocky biscuits in the Board Room .
30 Visiting women , on the other hand , were always welcome and were treated to leg-rubbing and purring with as much friendship as was shown to its new owner .
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