Example sentences of "[coord] she had been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A defendant 's costs order may also be made in the following circumstances : ( 1 ) by a magistrates ' court where an information has been laid before magistrates but not proceeded with ; or where the magistrates ' court inquiring into an indictable offence as examining justices determines not to commit the accused for trial ; ( 2 ) by the Crown Court where the defendant is not tried for an offence for which he or she had been indicted or committed for trial ; or the defendant who has been convicted of an offence before a magistrates ' court appeals against conviction or sentence and , in consequence of that appeal , the conviction is set aside or a less severe punishment is awarded ; ( 3 ) by the Divisional Court where it deals with any criminal appeal ; ( 4 ) by the Court of Appeal where it allows an appeal against conviction or sentence or on such an appeal finds the defendant guilty of a different offence or imposes a different sentence ; ( 5 ) by the House of Lords where it determines a criminal appeal , or application for leave to appeal .
2 It reminded Jane of one of the Professor Branestawm stories she had read as a child in which the characters were photographs come alive , each repeating , over and over again , the sentence he or she had been saying at the moment the photograph was taken .
3 Before the prison doors had opened , or she had been stuffed into the hold of that ghastly convict ship , to spend her life scrubbing and cleaning and whoring for rough and dangerous men .
4 But by the end of the 1890s , although her work had long been recognized and she had been made a founder-councillor of the London county council in 1899 , Emma Cons was approaching a breakdown caused by overwork , not only at the theatre but in all her other housing and philanthropic efforts ( she was also vice-president of the London Society for Women 's Suffrage , an executive member of the Women 's Liberal Foundations , and a founder of the Women 's Horticultural College at Swanley ) .
5 Somewhere between the time when they had fallen into an exhausted sleep and when she had woken to this grey dawn , all the joy and magic of what they had shared had faded , and she had been overcome by doubts .
6 The reprieve had been so quick and sudden and she had been dreading the conversation so much …
7 She remembered Elizabeth saying in the first weeks of her engagement to Alex , ‘ Do you know , you 're a rather intimidating couple ? ’ and she had been tempted to reply , ‘ Oh , we are , we are . ’
8 Peggy had lived for a long time with an aunt while her daddy and mummy were abroad , and she had been spoilt by always getting her own way .
9 But however reasonable , nothing was as cheap as free accommodation , and she had been counting on these next six months to build up a bank balance .
10 But it would be only for a time and she had been thinking of asking the queen-dowager for permission to leave sanctuary and visit her mother .
11 She had been , it seemed , to endless dinners , parties and weddings on her own , she had been spotted at local cinemas with friends , sitting in the stalls alongside ordinary members of the public , and she had been seen on the town , at pop concerts , and in restaurants , with handsome young men .
12 They were beautiful , these Andalucían horses , and she had been given a long lecture on the subject by Ana , who seemed to be an expert .
13 Her ankle had been properly bandaged and she had been given pain-killers and ordered to keep off her foot as much as possible .
14 Her main interest was in the time course of memory formation , and she had been using a variety of drugs , including agents which disrupt entry of ions such as potassium into the cell , and also protein synthesis inhibitors , to dissect out a series of phases , which she described as short- , intermediate- and long-term memory .
15 Miss Fogerty was a little afraid of Miss Watson , for though she herself had spent thirty years at Thrush Green School , she was only the assistant teacher and she had been taught to respect her betters .
16 The regime is tightening and she had been warned that they might no longer put up with her outspokenness and propaganda ; her friends thought that she would be safer somewhere close to the French border , but she was taking against the place .
17 At first it was thought her death was an accident and she had been choked when her necklace snagged on branches , but a second post-mortem examination five days later revealed she had been murdered .
18 Her name was She-Who-Is-Alone and she had been looked after by the tribe since her parents and grandparents died in the famine .
19 Then the first ‘ maid ’ they ever had was a girl of 16 called Mollie and she had been deserted by her husband and came to live in the house with three tots .
20 I had said that I would find it easier on my own and she had been hurt , for normal mothers and daughters went together on this expedition , lunching in a department store and discussing the newly acquired contents of the carrier bags that lay at their feet .
21 It was ten o'clock and she had been ignoring it for half an hour .
22 One of them had symptoms of radiation sickness , and she had been tortured . ’
23 Grainne had once seen the massive Silver Looms that the sorcerers of Tara spun their enchantments on , and she had been awed and terrified and overwhelmed .
24 Cook had the afternoon off and she had been coming to grips with her occasional souffle , when the ‘ monster ’ had started its cacophony .
25 She had been physically hurt when she was dragged from the villa and she had been held captive ever since .
26 The closing of the launderette had given rise to a case in the County Court , in which Edward and she had been held not to blame , but had been conscious of the contempt of their solicitor , who always seemed to be in a great hurry .
27 And she had been left bereft , broken-hearted .
28 He was a powerful , virile man , and she had been left in no doubt as to the physical effect she had on him .
29 A small crowd had gathered and she had been carried across the street and inside the nearest shop in order to get her out of the sun .
30 McAllister had apologised to Rose for refusing her invitation — she had sewing to do for the bazaar , she said — when the front door had banged shut behind her and she had been compelled to run round to the back and come in through the kitchen .
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