Example sentences of "[coord] she [vb past] up [art] " in BNC.

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1 Pempie is terrifically keen on auspicious signs , and she cheered up no end the day after the exterminator , because she drew a winning ticket in the village raffle .
2 When Sara returned they drank the ale and she brought up the subject of an increased allowance for her and the children .
3 Gabrielle 's relationship with Baldwin blossomed and they had two children together , Sam and Harry , but later the couple parted and she brought up the two boys .
4 Yes we used to go to see her , and she came up a couple of times .
5 Into the shadows of the room came the beam of a powerful flashlight , and she flung up a hand to shield her eyes from its glare .
6 And she pulled up the weeds and she pulled up the teasels .
7 And she pulled up the weeds and she pulled up the teasels .
8 Despite the sunshine , it was a crisp , cold day , and she pulled up the collar of her black jacket , flicking the long auburn mane of her hair out of the way .
9 And she phoned up the Saturday , on Friday
10 My mum right when I put my make-up on in the morning my mum said oh erm she went to the phone box and she phoned up the specialist and they said so I 've got ta go .
11 There seemed to be a sense of ease in their company that had n't existed the night before , and she opened up a little on her background .
12 Then it was Sue 's turn , and she opened up a shimmering square of silk scarf , which had been flattened to the size of an envelope and now expanded and billowed across the table like the sail of a brilliant ship .
13 come in that day and she sat up the table with the boys and had a dish of
14 A Liberty scarf was wrapped round her head and she picked up a travelling case .
15 And she picked up the plate of spurned buck rarebit and emptied it into the bin under the counter .
16 The telephone rang , mercifully cutting short any more disturbing thoughts , and she picked up the receiver .
17 When her call came through , however , and she picked up the phone and said , ‘ Hello , ’ she realised that she would n't have to ask Lubor when Ven was coming back — because she already knew .
18 And she toiled up the duneside , her huge backside quaking .
19 In the rear of their hut his wife was bending over a bowl of water , naked to the waist , washing herself , and she snatched up a towel to cover her bare breasts when she heard Loc hiss a sudden warning .
20 Embarrassment curled hotly through her as she remembered what she 'd read and she snatched up the case and marched towards the door , but it was n't that easy to push it from her mind , not when she remembered Luke Calder 's mockery .
21 But then her common sense took over , and she dredged up a smile .
22 The honey was fermenting but she chewed up the nut and swallowed it avidly ; then , encouraged by Tom , she dipped her finger in the honey and licked it clean .
23 ‘ Course , in time she came to know her mother 's death was n't an ordinary drowning accident , but she kept up the pretence .
24 Lady Grubb knew a great deal about antiques and owned some beautiful pieces , but she topped up the genuine furnishings with reproduction Jacobean coffee tables and plastic cruets .
25 But she put up a barrier around her , and allowed no one to pass .
26 Anne 's face was red and she felt ready to burst with anger but she picked up the baby and escaped to the bathroom .
27 He was right , of course , she knew that , but she picked up the brandy Mick got her and downed it in one , then hovered on the edge of her seat until he gave up and walked her home .
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